Disgusted by this film...
TCM ran this in the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep and wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
I missed the first few minutes, so I will have to watch it again, but I find the movie creepy and I felt like I needed a shower afterwards.
James Mason is perfect as a pedophile, but I find the films "whimsy" (Camp Climas, Dr. Kegel, "Dick" the boyfriend, etc.) NOT funny at all, but incredibly inappropriate and just weird. Does the book make this references? I'm going to try and read it this weekend so I can at least do a better review.
Sex between a 14 year old girl (that's how old Lyon was at the time; the book has Lolita even younger; 12.) and a grown man is DISGUSTING.
Anyone who has suffers sexual abuse as a child will have difficult time with this film.