MovieChat Forums > Lawrence of Arabia (2013) Discussion > Lawrence of Arabia is boring!

Lawrence of Arabia is boring!

First of all, I know I'm going to get a lot of backlash for saying that Lawrence of Arabia is boring.

It is important to note that I am a huge fan of the classic movies such as Ben Hur, Citizen Kane, Gone With the Wind, Dr. Zhivago, etc.

But Lawrence of Arabia is way too long at 216 minutes. Their explanations of the characters could be much shorter.

I do feel bad about not liking this movie because it has a fantastic cast. In fact, some of these actors are my favorites.

For those of you who do like this movie, continue to watch it because I won't.


Have you watched "Citizen Kane" lately. OMG, now that is boring.
I am not saying it is bad, besides it classic status, it is a pretty good movie,
at least when you see it the first time. To me CK is just OK.

But there is also "Bridge Over The River Kwai". One of my favorite movies
of all time is 2001: A Space Odyssey, a movie I have seen over 10 times
in the theater. When I try to watch it now, I still respect the movie and cherish
it, but I have to admit it is very slow and boring.

Movies and audiences were just much different in the distant past like this.
Even 2001 had a built in intermission, which was a fun concept back in
theaters. Now they would not do such a thing.


I find LoA to be one of the most overrated films ever. Yes, it is beautiful. Yes it has a handful of inspired moments in the script. But overall it is a meandering, tedious movie that relies on grandeur and "amazing" numbers of extras and yeah, kinda boring. I don't hate it but I can't give it more than 6/10 for the whole enchilada. Cinematography I'd give 10/10.

I always feel amazed by the cult of LoA. It is like it is famous because it is famous. Surging with high praise for this film gets you your plastic Elite Film Fan membership club card. This and the even more overrated Casablanca (aka: Epilogue, the movie)


I disagree.


Lawrence of Arabia was a great film. I've watched it several times.


I watched “Lawrence” one night when I was in high school; rented it cause I’m really into the classics, especially at that time, when I was really trying to gain an appreciation for what all came before.

It was a long watch, especially on my 15 inch TV, but I enjoyed it despite the toiling length. It told a grand story, nothing simple, nothing like I’d seen before. But yes, like I said, it took its toll. Might’ve had to watch it over 2 nights, after I’d gotten work delivering pizza.

While it’s a fantastic movie, which I watched a snippet of on TCM the other night and had to force myself not to watch it until it ended at 2 AM, I will say that ******SPOILERS******, it ended on a huge downer, whether it be rooted in truth or not. That’s part of the reason I didn’t finish it the other night, I reckon.


It's been four years since you posted this.

In that time, have you learned that, when you find a movie boring, all you need to post is, "Lawrence of Arabia" bored me". Not Lawrence of Arabia is boring.

See the difference?


So you have a bad taste. Thanks for sharing, now all your comments can be ignored.


I agree with you ... but if you really want to be fair, Citizen Kane and some other classic movies can be just as boring or more boring. I remember seeing Citizen Kane for the first time in High School, and then years later buying the DVD to add to my classic collection. Then I tried to watch it ... several time and just could never watch it or get into it.

I don't like Lawrence of Arabia because of the playing up of the homosexual aspect of his life, which is not even documented or proven true. I think this was a time when exploitation of men for sex was just starting, but exploitation of women was rampant - as today - think Harvey Weinstein. There is a whole system - a global system set up for this corruption.

The other thing I don't like about Lawrence is that he was an Arab lover, and as the world has gotten to know Arab/Islamic cultures up close and personal in the last 20 years, these societies are abusive, exploitative, tyrannical, murderous, ... just very ugly.

I always wondered why there was a such a darkness or lack of history taught in the West about Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire. Islam was not any good for any of them, and the closer one gets to Turkey and the Byzantine empire, the more corrupt and backwards that area because - ironically after being leaders in the world in scientific and literary thought. I think there must be a lot of history of Eastern Europe through the Middle East and into Asia that we are missing in the West.


It’s always fun to read random, racist tangents in the web.


Considering your "tangent" is so stupid, I guess "racist tangents" are an upgrade for you.

That's not really racist. I am not talking about Arabs'/Muslims' races ... I am referring to their backward culture and religion, which by the way Mr. Ignoramus is Caucasian ...

Caucasian race - Wikipedia
> Meiners imagined that the Caucasian race encompassed all of the ancient and
> most of the modern native populations of Europe, the aboriginal inhabitants of
> West Asia (including the Phoenicians, Hebrews and Arabs), the autochthones
> of Northern Africa (Berbers, Egyptians, Abyssinians and neighboring groups),
> the Indians, ...

So, you imagine yourself so clever and superior, but you really don't know anything,
and rather than say something intelligent you try to insult me by calling me a racist
and make yourself known as an ill-mannered ignoramus.


Do me a favour, look back at that paragraph, then every time you wrote the word Arab/Muslim replace it with the word Jew and then tell me it’s not racist. This is quite fun actually.


So, are you arguing that all cultures are equal and there is no qualitative difference that can be made - or that even if there were it would be immoral or bad to discuss the very idea?




I found it very entertaining
