MovieChat Forums > Lawrence of Arabia (2013) Discussion > Lawrence of Arabia is boring!

Lawrence of Arabia is boring!

First of all, I know I'm going to get a lot of backlash for saying that Lawrence of Arabia is boring.

It is important to note that I am a huge fan of the classic movies such as Ben Hur, Citizen Kane, Gone With the Wind, Dr. Zhivago, etc.

But Lawrence of Arabia is way too long at 216 minutes. Their explanations of the characters could be much shorter.

I do feel bad about not liking this movie because it has a fantastic cast. In fact, some of these actors are my favorites.

For those of you who do like this movie, continue to watch it because I won't.


Lawrence of Arabia is boring!




Yep, ADD strikes again.


i absolutely hated Citizen Kane, so i can understand how you feel. however i think its not so much boring as simply not to your tastes. I found the movie end too soon, wanting for more. That is usually not what i consider boring. To each his own i guess.

The spirit of abysmal despair


I have mixed feelings about this one. I liked it up to the intermission. The pacing is slow, but comfortable and it never felt boring.

However, after the intermission the movie changes tone and pacing completely, and even though more happens, I kinda lost interest and found myself bored and just wanting it to end.


You are entitled to your opinion but I most definitely do not share it.
Lawrence of Arabia is one of my favorite movies of all time.
It held my interest from beginning to end and I would not shorten it even by five minutes if I could.
I also really enjoy Citizen Kane, a fantastic movie as well, although I prefer Lawrence of Arabia.
Some might disagree with me on this, but one well known and much lauded movie that I don't care for is Gone with the Wind. I could not stay interested in it at all and I tried. It had great cinematography (but not even close to that of Lawrence of Arabia), but the story and characters were uninteresting.


Peggy I'm on your side, though I find Citizen Kane to be as overrated as this overlong production. I went in expecting to be blown away. The cinematography was phenomenal but I feel that I've been desensitized by modern cinema to the point where I can't appreciate this as I might have when I were younger, if I'd seen it then. I also must point to modern technology going into "restoring" a film or enhancing the image quality. The creators of this movie could not have foreseen that we'd have such a crisp view of the actors and could so blatantly see the (by today's standards, but necessary for the time) poor job at make-up effects. Anthony Quinn's nose (which I understand he applied himself) and the eye-liner around O'Tool's eyes were distracting. I know it's a sign of the time it was made, but the lack of genuineness in casting the 4 or 5 supporting characters (Sharif excluded, I suppose) with British actors fell flat for me.
I truly wanted to enjoy myself but I could edit this movie down to 2.5-3 hours easily and enjoy it much more.


I have to be honest, last night I watched river Kwai and loved it more than last time I watched it years ago, so thought why not finally try Lawrence of Arabia, I love David lean and it has such a good reputation...
I'm sorry it looks amazing but I'm over an hour In and I'm bored to tears, and still got 2 and a half hours left, I had to stop and watching the good the bad and the ugly instead lol



You won't get backlash.

All Great movies are killed on IMDB while every boring movie Chris Nolan does are praised without mistakes.

But I loathe long boring films, and this isn't one.

Each scene, and there are many, has a beginning, middle and end. A wonderfully made film.

My Cinema Site at


people who claim this is not boring are not honest with themselves.
still, it doesn't mean this is not an meisterwerk.
great actors, great director, great scenery. yet boring story.
i gave it 9/10


I watched the movie last night and while I enjoyed it, I kept fast-forwarding it over and over. It was way too long.

