Why did Motome do it?
Here's something I wonder about this film. Why did Motome go through with it and actually commit hara-kiri with his bamboo blade? If he really was "mad" with love and worry for his wife and son, I should think he'd try to get out of that situation. To my mind, dying fighting to the end like Tsugumo did is a much better death than dying by your own hand via a bamboo stick. But maybe that's just my Western thought.
Anyway, this whole movie is pretty much a criticism of the samurai code as a life of empty "facades" with no heart, but then Motome went along with it all! For that reason, I wasn't able to sympathize with him very well. Maybe he had a sort of unquestioning/trusting nature and it never entered his mind to fight back when his request for a few days' respite was refused. And I guess if he'd refused, we'd have no story. :P
For all that, this was a great film, a 10/10 imo.