In the dream, Marion Crane actually leaves the motel alive, but for some reason, decides to come back. She's carrying her suitcase, and hears a strange noise down in the basement. She goes down to see what's going on. Norman out of nowhere, comes out and kills her, and stares right into the camera!
That sounds pretty damn scary and-- as swanstep notes elsewhere -- rather a merging of Janet Leigh's story and Vera Mile's story in the basement/fruit cellar.
Anybody else have any strange Psycho dreams/nightmares? Or from any other horror movie?
In 1967, local TV commericals promoting a broadcast of Psycho had the announcer yell:
"See the movie that gave the nation NIGHTMARES! Psycho on the Saturday Night movie."
"Gave the nation nightmares!". How alliterate.
I'll bet that Psycho DID give a lot of people nightmares in its initial 1960 release in the censored movie world of that year.
I never had a nightmare that took place IN the world of Psycho.
But over the decades, I have had MANY dreams in which I'm watching TV and they show Psycho, and it has little do with the movie as we know it. Like the house and the hill look wrong. And its a different shower. And new/different scenes take place. And of course - being a dream -- its all very quick and fragmented, hardly the length of any real movie.
Which reminds me: one critic wrote of Van Sant's 1998 shot-by-shot remake of Psycho: "It is as if someone dreamed a new version of the movie." Fair enough. The house is certainly different, as are the looks of the characters.