we, creationists

reading these boards i can see why we, creationists so rarely post here. because we are treated like retards, sub-humans, bigots, cavemen and hypocrites. Just look at the language you use, full of insults, disdainful, mocking and condescendent. Are we supposed to like that?! I know that you think that that's what animals like us deserve, but curious enough we don't like it. We could give you the same treat - I especially used to be a champion at that - but we're not allowed to play this game. So have fun explaining to each other how stupid and pathetic is to be a creationist, you'll get maybe once in a while an agnostic - that's a confused atheist in case you didn't know - daring to counter you but i trust you won't have any troubles straighten him up.

Now, what I came here to say:

You belive that we're so confused, lost and helpless in oceans of "unquestionable, undeniable, cross-checked scientifical proofs" for evolution (this formula and alike were used in the same obsessive manner in the former communist block countries - where i come from - to explain the utter superiority of communism over capitalism) and pray God to make them go away. To you, our pitiful little brains are not capable of understanding the wonderful array of scientifical facts all pointing to Evolution and we're trying desperately to explain them away.
Well, all this is only because you don't read what WE say about us and our beliefs, you only read what OTHERS say. You don't read our sites;to those of you who say you did, have you ever heard of "they will look and not see, listen and not understand"? How long did you read?What did you look for? What we have to say, our ideas, or how wrong we are? I you apply time-and-chance-will-do-it thing on what you read there then of course we're wrong, even God is wrong.

How come so many of you know that evolution is established on scientific facts and when asked about these facts you give answers that would make a savvy evolutionist blush? You want to know why is that? Because you LOVE their version of the story: nobody made Us, We owe nothing to nobody, We can do watever we want, We decide the good, the bad and the truth, We'll have it our way, We'll reign over everything, We'll take control over our genetic code, We'll master the laws of physics so We would reach to the stars, We'll be immortals and finally gods. You love evolution - humanism actually - because essentially says that god position is vacant and is ours to take. Satan wanted to do that before you - to be like God, then Adam, and since then everything's gone mad including the human mind which now can conceive that such a horrendously complex system as human body or brain could appear by chance, given enough time. I think that's God' punishment for your rebellion, he lets you believe such enormities. Of course, now blame Him for that!

If the arguments for evolution are so decisive how come the creation movement is on the rise? In this age with so many more "scientifical evidence" and advances of human knowledge than 50 years ago, shouldn't it be on its way to extinction at much faster pace than decades ago? you don't seem to realize that no matter how incompetent, insignificant or bad joke creation scientists look to you, your high esteemed paleontologists and paleobiologists look a lot worse to us. You're not aware of how encouraged we are by our own investigations of natural phenomena once we stopped buying the if-you-wait-enough-things-will-simply-start-happening thing. Again, that's because you don't read us.

When we say "Evolution IS religion", we're not playing words, we mean it and our children are taught this religion from our taxes too.


Hear hear! I couldn't have said it better myself!

It's the same all over the internet. Non-creationists see us as slobbering backyard hicks with no education further than a GED. Talk about ignorance.

"NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!"


"NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!"
I'm expecting it right now!

(and I bet I'm not alone, right Arizona?)


"reading these boards i can see why we, creationists so rarely post hear. because we are treated like retards, bigots, cavemen and hypocrites."

Except for your use of the highly offensive and very un-Christian word, "retards," your rambling, incoherent post does indeed prove that you are all the things listed in your opening statement, but you forgot to add disturbed and delusional. Religious fanaticism is one of the uglier aspects of insanity; its dangerous cousin, if you will.

Now stop lighting candles and tell Carrie I hope she had fun at the prom. Most importantly, during your next lucid moment try to remember that religion is the worst idea mankind ever had.


I like you. You're fun.

I regret that this poster chose to use such an unpleasant word as "retards." It once meant that the person in question was in some way retarded -- backward -- mentally or socially, but the PC crowd has decided it's one of the sacred words, never to be used because they always associate it with the kind of people they like to abort.

You went on to fulfill the OP's prediction. Way to prove him/her wrong. 

Religious fanaticism is one of the uglier aspects of insanity; its dangerous cousin, if you will.
Did the OP chop off someone's head? Did s/he kill all the men of a village and turn the women into sex slaves? Did the OP post a screed promoting violence against any person? I actually didn't read the OP's remarks, just yours. As I say, you're so much fun. But unless this person sounds like the sort of people Ben Affleck protects, we haven't reached the level of true "religious fanatacism." Of course, to people who think like Affleck, someone who believes in a Creator -- if they're a Christian or a Jew -- must be a "fanatic," especially if the left's bullying tactics haven't shut him or her up and taught them to keep their "place."

You will probably disagree. That's the nature of discussions -- they have two sides.


...so I won't.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


My friend, I will not attack you because like the man from the movie you are now part of a minority. He was attacked because he believed in evolutionism in a era were creationists were the majority and had the power and instead of respecting the minority's opinion they just abbused their power to smash the minority's right to be able to speak freely.

Nowadays we live in a world were evolutionists have the power and what I choose to do with it is exactly the opposite of what you people chose to do when you could,otherwise I'd just be like you. I choose not to opress your right to think and your right to have your own ideas... Because it would make no sense for me to defend anything else since I believe in evolution and progress. And I am not threatened by your ideas because I trust in the ability of each men and women to think for themselves. That is progress - letting everyone think for themselves.


Well, I lived most of my life thinking that creationism is dead. In my culture, you are more credible believe in Santa claus, I am not being an a-hole, I am just saying. So excuse me for thinking creationists are lunatics, to say it nicely. Since I started using Internet, imagine my shock realizing creationists still exists, in 21st century... Its sad.

And most of them really exists in English speaking countries, like USA. I wondered why is that, and I think I might came up with the answer. In English, it is called THEORY of evolution. That scientific Englsih expression - theory. Theory in science stands for explanation that is backed by scientific method. But some people, just see word theory, and realize that not believing in it is credible.

It is not credible at all. Evolution is proven fact.


The problem here is that they are purposely ignorant as to what a scientific theory is. It may be because they watch too many detective shows and think that the Theory of Evolution is "only a guess".

To make matters worse, I just saw Questioning Darwin, an HBO movie. One of the real people in the movie flat stated that he would believe 2 + 2 = 5 if it said so in the bible. There is no way to change a mindset like that.


Yeah, thats just sad. Interesting thing is, that those who are most passionate about Bible, are the most ignorants about the subject itself. If you ever did any reading or studied religious studies, you know the bible is the book of metaphors and stuff. To read a genesis book, which is a flat out fairy tale, and take it literally, is not only sad, its offensive to sensible Christians as well. You know nothing about the bible if you take every word literally. You are just a nut at this point.


i am so sorry about the anger that i can feel in your words. i believe in god, but nevertheless, i cannot understand your anger. people have opinions and everyone is different. evolution is only a theory and that should not make us mad. Like gravitation is only a theory, but what puzzled newton was that everything falls. darwin was a very religious man. and he struggled for what he saw. the movie has many faults, but this really happened. just ignoring other people's opinion makes us exactly what we claim other people are. i pray you realize that your anger is yours and yours alone. the fact that there are more creationists today than ever before does not make evolution unreal. it's only a theory and i respect your opinion and i would hear it anytime


Spare us the persecution complex. You can't even use proper grammar.

