MovieChat Forums > Exodus (1961) Discussion > how could dove landau be portrayed as a ...

how could dove landau be portrayed as a hero ?

He blew up a hotel, killing 100 innocent foreigners!!!
The message in this movie comes across as this: the jews have suffered a lot, therefore it is now time that someone else suffers. There will be peace one day in Israel - but it will be won by arms, not by negotiation.
It may be right - but it's a rotten morale.


You have heard the old slogan, "Every terrorist is someone's freedom fighter".


He's exactly the same type of hero Yasser Arafat was, and the same type al-Qaeda is now. Sad to say, but true. So, if you sympathize with the latter two you have no reason not to do so with Landau; if you don't sympathize with the latter two you have no justification for sympathizing with Landau.

Sad to say, I've met so many Europeans who would see Landau as a terrorist of the first order yet who would lionize Arafat for the same revolting tactics.


Yasser Arafat was no hero. He studied "revolutionary" strategy and tactics in the Soviet Union whose purpose was to stymie Western (that is, Free World) free market commerce and influence in the Middle East, to use Arab/Mohammedan hatred of Jews to the Soviet Union's ends; but Arafat only paid lip service to his Soviet sponsors - he took their weapons and money and used them to further only the Mohammedan "cause" of killing Jews as a means of wiping Israel off the map.

Arafat suffers by comparion with the character of Dov Landau. Landau felt he'd shamed himself by his having survived the Holocaust by his having been an Auschwits sonderkommando - one of the Jews spared, for so long as he was useful to the Nazis, to drag murdered Jews from the gas chambers and to cremate or bury their remains. Arafat had no such experience in his life; in fact Arafat was quite busy amassing a personal fortune and surrounding himself with equally corrupt henchmen and bodyguards, and with indulging his paedophilia.

In 'Exodus' what we see in Landau is a young man scarred by his own guilt for having survived the Holocaust in which many of his family and millions of faith were deliberately, programmatically mass-murdered. It's to expunge his personal guilt that he feels driven to join the most extreme of the Zionist organizations - the Irgun; Landau feels that only by his committing himself to extremist action in support of the establishment of Israel can he expiate his personal guilt. So what we have is a portrait of a man driven to extremism by his own sense of his having wronged his own people. In Arafat no such guilt ever existed: Arafat manipulated his own people, fired them up to mass murder indiscriminately by his using Mohammedanism's koranic anti-Semitism to further, actually, his own quest for despotic power and secretly-amassed personal riches.

It's illuminating to note that the pro-and-anti-Irgun arguments, shown with admirable accuracy in 'Exodus,' that raged among Israelis were genuine, humanistic arguments made from two views of how to best achieve a moral purpose (this purpose being the creation of a Jewish homeland following two thousand years of persecutions of Jews in diaspora). You will not find any such humanistic or moral arguments in Arafat's propaganda or deeds. Indeed, you will find no moral compunction, no humanism whatsoever in any Mohammedan prosecution of violent koranic jihad: you will find only what Mohammedans have subscribed to and prosecture since Mohammed laid out his stark, xenophobic, hateful, vengeful division of humankind into "the House of War" (infidels) and "the House of Islam" (Mohammedans), and that division's consequential and programmatic fusion of mind-control, social control, and political and material acquisitiveness and intolerant domination of infidels and dhimmis that makes up Mohammedanism's entire belief system and history in which no moral discussion, no humanism, nothing but Mohammed's hate for Jew's and indfidels which have since been followed unquestioningly by nearly all Mohammedans, has ever been demonstrated.


Someone upthread said that he became a terrorist because of his past. This is glaringly obvious as the reason all terrorists / freedom fighters are made. When a five year old sees his father die, what's he gonna do when he's twentyfive? In Ireland terrorist tactics got rid of the British and we glorify them as our national heroes. They don't jump up fully fledged out of nowhere, and the only way to really stop them is to treat people humanely and stop giving them grievances. Israel is not doing this to the Palestinians so I can imagine they will be plagued by terrorists for a long time. People have to have a pretty stong grudge to blow themselves up.


They don't have to have grudges, they have to think that they do.


And of course believe they're going to wake up to 72 virgins in the after-life which is why atheists tend not to be terrorists


That's the best comment I have read on imd.

In fact, one of the best comments I have read anywhere.


It's quite simple, as the stereotyped cliche has it:

One side's terrorist is the other side's freedom fighter.

Painfully simple.



The trouble is, however, that when people with strong grievances/grudges blow themselves up, they often take innocent people with them, which isn't a good thing, either.



I think you meant moral, not morale.
