While you are correct in stating that feature films play with facts for artistic and dramaturgical purposes, your confidence in "documentaries" is seriously misplaced. Many documentaries do exactly the same thing, as they generally result from a director's or producer's point of view; an excellent example is Michael Moore's "documentaries," which are really propaganda for his particular point of view (I am not here suggesting that there is anything false in his films, but that the point of view is manifested in the editing, commentary, and what is OMITTED from the film.)
Further, many of your statements are questionable. I have done research on this period for many years, and never heard of Thurston Clarke. What are his credentials?
Actually, whether a warning was given 20 minutes before the bombing, or 3 hours, is not significant. No one with any expertise in this period questions that the Jewish forces (or splinter groups therof) committed many terrorist acts during the Mandatory period. The Arabs did so as well. But that is how almost every country is born. The US began with demonstration, protest, and violence against the British soldiers. Ditto for virtually every other country: India, Egypt, Iran, etc. To suggest that "modern terrorism was first practiced by right-wing Israelis" is worse than false; it is highly misleading. Depending on when you place the beginning of "modern," (I generally believe it to be around 1800, with the demise of the Old Regime, or perhaps you mean "recent terrorism," I am not sure)> In either case, ther has been virtually no conflict in world history that did not involve terrorism, in adddition to regular military forces ("state terrorism"). The German Nazi forces in WW II practiced terrorism (the killing of innocent civilians) against many nations other than Jews: Poles were virtually deprived of their entire intellectual and political classes, as soon as the Nazi juggernaut entered in September 1939. 2 million Soviet POWs were deliberately starved to death, etc etc. Nixon said that he would "bomb Cambodia back into the Stone Age etc etc." Think of Muslim-Hindi violence in India and Pakistan, or Communist and Nationalist conflict in China, etc etc etc etc
But your biggest error is your statement "Jews and Arabs had been living peacefully together" for years. Arab protestation against Jewish immigration began when the Jews began purchasing land from the Arab effendi absentee landlords, around 1900. There were huge Arab riots and savage violence against Jews in 1920, 1929, and many other years, which the British were unable to contain. There were only minority moderates on both sides. What began in 1947 was only a continuation of the sporadic violence for over 50 years.
The fact is that violence has been committed by both sides against each other for over a century in the land confiscated from the Ottoman Empire following the end of WW I. Neither side can be declared guilty or blameless. But that is all normal for a conflict over Land.
The most important fact is that, in order to achieve some sort of peace, the past must be left behind (I won't say "forgotten"), and focus must be laid onto the future. In my opinion, the major obstacle to peace in the region is the refusal of a large minority of Muslims to accept the existence of a sovereign State of mainly Jews, following the UN Partition Resolution in 1947. This minority starts inculcating Muslim children in schools from their childhood. We have their textbooks to prove that. These kids grow up to become suicide bombers, rocket throwers, etc. What do these people think?--that a sovereign nation of almost 6 million people will be driven out of the area? They ought to care more for their own children's future, and compromise with a country willing to live with a two-state solution.
Allen Roth
"I look up, I look down..."