I love both films, but I’m going with Brides by a hair. DPoD has such a tremendous buildup, and director Fisher creates a palpable sense of dread. However, once the count is up and about, the movie begins to lose some steam. Not completely, mind you; there are still some good moments in the second half (although I think the ending on the ice is botched).
Brides, on the other hand, maintains a nice even pace, and that really propels the story forward. There isn’t that strong sense of dread we find in DPoD, but rather a more elegant - and innocent - feel. That’s not to say Brides doesn’t have its share of scares; they’re simply created differently.
One last thing that tips the scale to Brides for me: Dialogue for Baron Meinster. He may not be saying anything profound, but actor Peel has a nice, melodious voice, and much of what he says (and how he says it) has a nice ring of menace to it. Oh, how I would’ve loved to have heard Mr. Lee’s sepulchral tones in DPoD!