party lines

I was wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with party lines. I was thoroughly confused by the concept, and was hoping someone could clear this up. Jan and Brad shared a party line, but they did not live in the same building, and never saw each other. Wouldn't it be more efficient to have the members closer together? And was this all before the advent of area codes? Because it's hard to believe that they would be running out of phone numbers to give.

If anyone could give me a little insight, I would be very grateful.


"Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing."


See my post under the OTHER party line topic. :)



I had a party line in the mid-60's in Detroit. Two of us shared the line. I have no idea who they were. It didn't cause a problem because I rarely used the phone.


When I was a kid my family had a party line for a time. Then when there was a change going on from party lines to private lines we had open lines for a time where you could talk to hundreds of people! It was fun for a little kid, yelling back and forth. I don't remember what those open lines were called but they didn't last long.


My family had a party line in the 70s.
