Banshee scene scared me sh**less!!

My God, I was scared to death that I had nightmares. TWO, in fact, that I clearly remember.

1) I scream hysterically insane whenever I heard her wailing right OUTSIDE my bedroom window every single night. Doctors and my mother would restrain me while I scream horrifically "MAKE IT STOP!!!!" Geeeezus, it almost felt like The Exorcist or something.

2) Imagine you're in a fairly big house, it's dark and stormy outside, and you keep hearing this unusual sound coming from downstairs, all the way down to the basement. That's what happened in this dream. I get up from bed, creep down the stairs, following the sound. I walk to the door leading to the basement and descend down the stairs. The place is dark (of course) with vague dim lights, the floor is covered with gray or green mist and there across from me is the banshee herself. She even spoke to me, more like hissing, "What are you doing here?! Get out!" I didn't move of course, you can guess why. So she makes a loud scream-like wail from the movie. And that's all I can remember.

I never wanted to see that movie again, particularly the banshee scenes. I became afraid of walking out of my room at night when the living room is completely dark. Remember when Darby's daughter was lying in bed unconcious and he heard the banshee's wailing outside the house and he leaves the room, opens the front door and there, floating up to him is the banshee's scary-beyond-all-reason face?

I sound like a mental wreck, don't I?


But have you ever watched the part with banshee...ON WEED?!

...ok, sorry. But, for serious, though, I think if you were to try and ferret out the orgins/orginal sources for the "psychedelic" light shows acid rock bands were using a decade later, the special effects in this film could arguebly be counted among them; ahead of its, man...ahead of its time...


I specifically looked up this movie today with the hope that some people felt the same way about the Banshee.

I still to this day (34 now) remember the scene with her floating down from on high and ESPECIALLY the scene where he open the door and she ZOOMS up to the door in a split second.

Definately one of the most scary movies from my childhood. And longest lasting.


Only select scenes from the Exorcist even come close to comparing to how scary the banshee was. The banshee is the only thing I have recuring dreams about...besides tornadoes and Godzilla. Hey, as long as all three elements don't happen at once i think ill be ok.


I'm sitting here stifling my laughter at this thread. I can't believe how traumatizing this part of the film was to all of us, like the Daleks in Doctor Who, everyone was hiding behind the couch. lol

My grandma bought me this movie for my birthday or for Christmas or something when I was about 3 or 4, I remember I liked the smaller present that was actually my brother's so I opened his (A Beach Boys Tape) and he opened mine, the film. I don't know how many times I watched it, all I know is that it's been at least 13 years since I've seen it, since I only had it until we moved to Texas when I was six.

Odd thing was when I was watching this film while the "bad genie" (a 4 year old is not going to know that it's called a Banshee until someone explains it to them) terrified me, I never said anything. Then randomly later at night I'd hear her howling and see her outside our door in my mind, and I'd freak, but I never told anyone! lol even at that age I thought I was completely mental. Glad to see I'm not.

I was just coming on here tonight because for some reason I could hear her again and I was getting creeped out. This happens every now and again. I figured I'd come on here and see someone say "oh man the effects were sooo corny how could we ever be scared?" Looks like even now I'd still get spooked. lol


Am I the only one who wasn't afraid of her? I thought she was wonderful! The Death Coach was way scarier!


She was wonderful, just wonderfully terrifying. lol


I am proud to admit, however, that I didnt cower behind a couch. I sure as hell thought twice before I ever peered out a window at night for quite some time, though. The Banshee and that gremlin-thing from Terror at 20,000 feet (there's a man on the wing!), always made me reconsider any foolish notion of looking outside to see what's going on.


Hey look at it this way, irish heritage says u can see banshees if ure surname is "mc" or "o" . Nothing to worry about, im irish and my name has a mc!!
aw wel, good oul irish ghost stories, try listening to them at the early hours of the morning half drunk in the back of an empty 7 seater, your mind plays tricks man. that banshee is one scary bi*atch!


Watched it tonight and my son was like it used to scare the crap outta him he is now 11


Oh my god! I can't believe I've finally found the film which scared me witless when I was a child. All I remembered about the film was that there was a banshee in it which gave me nightmares for weeks. I was convinced it was some horror film I must have watched by accident when I was little. I would never in a million years thought that the film was a freaking DISNEY film. I agree with so many of the other posters that the banshee was absolutely terrifying. I'm watching it right now and when she came to door I couldn't watch anymore AND I'd forgotten about the horrible headless coach driver.

I only came to look up this film because it's on TV in the UK today. This has provided some serious closure for me because this has been bothering me for years.



Am I the only one who wasn't afraid of her?

You, DannyJane, are a brave, brave soul to not be afraid of the Banshee. You most certainly have my praise! As for the Death Coach, I thought it was just bizarre that the driver was headless and could still speak! :O


Whenever I think of the Banshee scene, I actually laugh, because the first time I watched this movie was in school, and when Darby opened the door ans she was there, a kid in my class yelled, jokingly, "Close the door!". I burst out laughing, because if she did, what was she going to do about it? Let out an 'AHEM!" and knock?

"I see that you have a large Adam's apple and am very tempted to reach over and touch it."


I wasn't overly effected by the banshee scene. I once had a mother in law who was similar to that, so I was used to that sort of behavior.

It's so lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.



I could not watch this film for years after I saw it for the first time. when I was 8 saw it and it freaked me out!I had constant nightmares for weeks on end about the Banshee and the death carriage. those scenes were terrible.
Almost as bad as when I was 10 yrs old, and I saw The Fly for the 1st time I went up to my room and could not sleep I turned on the radio and guess what was playing? Lionel Ritchies "stuck on you." I had nightmares with that one.
Auntie Mame: "Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"


Wow, apparently there's a whole lot of us that need therapy thanx to this "harmless" Disney movie. Too bad we can't send our psychiatric bills to Sleeping Beauty's castle.
What's really funny is (I do some amateur voice acting) when I have had to do some sort of eerie wailing for a job, I subconciously sounded just like our friend, the Banshee. I didn't realize this until I saw the movie for the second time a few months ago. So, for me at least, she's been good for something. Be well everyone, and it's okay to watch this one with all the lights on.


"Thank you for flying Church of England--Cake or Death?"--Eddie Izzard


Wow. I hope to be a voice actress one day. Only I won't do that kind of imitation...

And also, I want to thank every single person replying to this 3-year-old post. I think I started a support group with said post....


loved this movie so freaking awesome

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.


I always claim this as one of the scariest movies ever. I remember as a kid seeing the banshee and just freaking out. Banshee and the death coach aside, it's a film that has held up remarkably over almost 50 years.


I got scared to the point of madness by the Banshee but I cannot recall the dreams she gave me (thank God!) but I do know that I stopped being scared when I thought I wasn't Irish then my mother wrote a not behind a photo of my grandfather when he was in the army. It read; 'Given to 'Blank' on the date of 'Blank', more blanks in this one but by the time I finished reading it the name 'O'Neil' stood out and I looked up on Banshees and it turns out that the Banshee target families with names such as O'Grady, O'Conner, O'Gill and yep! O'Neil. I immediately freaked out 'Aw *beep* That Banshee Bitch is gonna get me!' I just hope that one; she is not real and two; if she is then I hope she doesn't leave Ireland for even one Irish that lives in America.


Yup, apparently the real banshee targets people with names beginning O or Mc, mine begins with the latter & I live in Ireland It was a fantastic scene I thought, luckily I saw it for the first time last week at the age of 22.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-R.W Emerson


Not as bad as you, but she did scare me too! (aw, how cute it rhymed!)
Edit: wow I read most of the first page and you all seam way more scared of it than me...not that I really wanna watch that part of the movie again.
Another heartwarming musical that scared me is Scrooge with Albert Finny. My mom STILL watches that movie a ton and since she watched it a ton when I was little I'm slightly fond of it but I tried watching that one part a year ago (I'm 18) and I had nightmares AGAIN.
Anyway, the he11 with the banshee, back where she came from!
You're gonna die!


Me too! The reason I can remember seeing this movie in the theatre is because of the banshee! It was the scaries thing I ever saw (I was about 7 when I saw it).



It's the death coach scene that did it to me!!

The carriage is carried into the SKY by the horses, but that's not enough - the Leprechans open the door and fling the poor guy out and let him fall to the ground!! Apparently it was just another joke, as the guy was still alive. I had nightmares for days!!!


I never understood what exactly was scary about the banshee. Even as a kid I thought she was just really cool looking, not scary at all. Still a memorable moment, though...

Too weird to live, to rare to die!


No, she didn't scare me either. I thought it was neat that she was combing her long hair while she wailed.


She terrified me as a child. I couldn't look at her. I saw the movie not too long after it had come out (yeah I'm ancient) and the special effects to me were too realistic.

However it did spark my interest in my ancestry's mythology and legends.

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of fertilizing your caviar!" Dr Zoidberg, Futurama
