MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > SyFy 4th of July Marathon....

SyFy 4th of July Marathon....

This and the New Year's Eve marathons were much anticipated among the IMDb community for many years. We all participated in a episode by episode thread throughout the entire marathons. We had threads about what snacks we were having while watching.
Naturally, we no longer have a community here that we did there on that site but it would be nice to know if there are still fans here who plan on watching the marathon. How many are here?
I'm one!


Of course. I intend to be watching TV and here on Moviechat.


Hi! I do plan to drop by as often as I can between the celebrations. This has always been a tradition. It just wouldn't be the same without the TZ fans to talk to.


I'm sure I will peak in once or twice.
I'm still deciding on the snacks.


Good to know you'll be around! As I told Tristan, I will be watching and I'll be here as often as I can.
As for the snacks I guess it is a bit too early to think about. I'm planning on salads and snacks for the celebration here at home though, so I'm sure that it will involve burgers, brats, salads and plenty to drink!
If there are a few more fans around we could start a thread about that too.


I'll probably drop in as well. I might be grilling that day, depending on how things evolve.


" depending on how things evolve. "

That's sort of how it is with us. With the fourth on landing on a Tuesday this year, our usual out of town relatives may not be able to make it due to work. We're taking the 3rd through the 5th off though, and we like to grill. In any case though, I plan to drop in here. I like to see my favorite episodes and see who's all here.


You can't go wrong with brats or burgers. Not to mention "plenty to drink"
I did a shrimp boil on the grill last weekend.

I think I will smoke a pork butt the weekend before. Any leftovers can be turned
into pulled pork nachos. Plenty to drink is always on my menu.
Of course your invited.


Pulled pork nachos sounds good. Love pulled pork but never tried nachos with it. That's what I have always liked about reading about everybody's different snacks. I get some good ideas.

Since I'm invited, I'll bring the Long Island Iced Tea!


If you're bringing the magic tea then you can come extra early.


If you're bringing the magic tea then you can come extra early.

How about instant smile?


Smiles are always welcome. Of course that's depending on if the magic
tea gets there first.
Everything hinges on the magic tea.


Instant Smile! YES!

Just don't make it a Short Drink From a Certain Fountain!


I'll be early with plenty of magic!


Sounds good! My tentative plan is grilled pork chops, baked beans, maybe an ear of corn and plenty of beer. Plus, I've got a good view of the local fireworks from my front porch.


Can't beat that.
Fireworks, chops, beer and don't have to leave your yard.
The perfect day.


And maybe a lot of activity on MovieChat.😉


👍 👍 👍


I got rid of cable a few years ago. But I did drop by a few times during the marathon at IMDB. I would watch them on netflix. Which I like better because they are uncut. Of course the traffic is pretty thin here and sadly all the IMDB users are scattered all over...too bad people didn't decide on a site weeks before IMDB shut down. Unfortunately it's impossible to get everyone on one site at this point. This is the closest to the original though. Way better than


That's what I do too. Netflix is great! We dropped our cable about five years ago but New Years and the 4th is too much of a TZ tradition now. It would seem strange not to chat with everyone on the board!
I will miss many of the regulars from IMDb. Hopefully we can still be a respectable little group here and still have some fun. I do like it here too.


It's been slow but I have noticed more and more new people.

It will never be as big as IMBD, but is that a bad thing ?


Not really. I would never want the craziness that imdb had with some of it's boards. Especially the current movies/shows. The board would sometimes crash with the traffic. But a few dozen regulars would be nice...


It's only a few months old. I still believe people will come.
That other site was around for awhile.

It does take time.


The best place to follow the Marathon is on Twitter.


Twitter? I will have to check that out!


If you recall on the last Marathon SyFy, during prime time, let viewers on Twiter decide what episode they wanted to watch next. SyFy gave the audience two choices -- for example, "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" or "Walking Distance" -- and then whatever got the most votes was what SyFy showed next. I think they're doing that again this year. I rather liked the feature; it allowed people to participate -- always a good thing.


Unfortunately, I no longer have SyFy. We canceled our cable several years ago. I check out the SyFy schedule on line and watch it with everyone, but I watch it on Netflix.



They left out a lot of good episodes:

1. Where is Everybody
2. Walking Distance
3. The Lonely
4. Perchance To Dream
5. And When The Sky Was Opened
6. Third From The Sun
7. The Hitch hiker
8. A World of Difference
9. Shadow Play
10. The Midnight Sun
12. Number 12 Looks Just Like You
13. In His Image
14. Miniature
15. The Parallel
16. Mirror Image
17. Twenty Two
18. The Silence
19. The Odyssey of Flight 33
20. The Trouble With Templeton
21. A Piano in the House
22. Kick The Can

Anyone of these are preferable to excrement like "Black Leather Jackets" or "Cavender is Coming."



Maybe someone who actually knows the series should choose the episodes next time.


But let's include "The Bard." It's only the worst episode of the series --- and one of the worst episodes of TV ever. (Rod, you're a gifted man, but you should have stayed away from comedy.)


I honestly think Syfy just threw together a package of episodes and plopped them into a marathon. This is the last vestige of Sci-fi Channel, a hold over of a long gone regime. They use this show to hopefully draw an audience to their other content. Also kind of a half-hearted bone thrown to an older audience.


Don't worry, MissMargoChanning, you are not alone here. Many members from Internet Movie Database have moved to this forum, and plenty of us are fans of The Twilight Zone. Nothing will stop us from continuing our beloved tradition.


Hey, guys. I'm going to do my best to uphold the tradition. West coasters? Anywhere?


Arizona, so very nearly west coast.





I have an elder brother in Kirkland, WA. He grew up with the Twilight Zone, the Outer Limits, and Science Fiction Theatre, but he doesn't get as excited about marathons as I do, and he doesn't post to sites such as this.

I wish I could find a position in Washington. I much prefer the weather and culture there. Arizona summers are almost uninhabitable.


Lived in AZ for 15 years. Summers are ridiculous. And swamp coolers, don't get me started on swamp coolers.
Work great, not so much during the monsoon season.




I'll be here for as much as possible! We'll have guests at 5 pm, but will do as much as possible before then (when not sleeping...)

Looking forward to this. I hope most have found there way here by now.



I found out some congregated here from the Reddit board


Where do people who like "TZ" gather on the web?


From what I have learned they scattered all over the web. I think I'll come here.
