MovieChat Forums > Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Discussion > Is Not Paul Newman good looking in this ...

Is Not Paul Newman good looking in this film?

For some reason the woman liked Elvis-style more than Paul in those days...


He is a God, very hot, but his performance is mindblowing!!...he should've won the Oscar, it's one of the top 20 best performances by a leading actor I have seen in my life.

My shadow is the only who walks beside me



Paul Newman was totally hot in this movie. I wish I could switch places with Liz Taylor and be in that movie or with anyone of those fortunate woman who got to play the role of his love interest.


kjnineseven...he rejected Maggie, he didn't want to even sleep with her even though she was his wife and found her beautiful, he felt disgusted with her mistakes..she wasn't his love interest he was no longer in love with her, because because of something she said his friend killed himself.

If history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.



the kid would look damn hot. i bet it would be a girl, and would all the boys in school real hot.

paul and liz make the perfect on screen couple in this film. great casting


Yes, Brick did reject Maggie in the film. However, in the end of the movie they did kiss, and I wouldn't have minded being able to kiss Paul Newman, if I were an actress playing Elizabeth Taylor's role.


Whoo, he is so sexy in this movie, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. So, So sexy!!!


Oh how I wish i were alive in 1958. He is the most goregeous man I have ever seen in this movie (which is also my favorite movie of all time).

Thanks for reading,
~Dr. Kody
"an eye for an eye makes the world blind"~ ghandi


I wish I was alive in 1958 too ! He was sooooooo gorgeous in this movie. Lucky Joanne! And its also one of my favorite films !!!


I thik this is one of my favorite movies ever! Back on the subject of Paul Newman, oh yes...hubba hubba...he is so FIIINE in this movie and for me Elizabeth Taylor's Maggie the Cat cannot be touched.

They barely touch on the subject, in the movie, but the whole thing with Skipper was (I think)he was in love with Brick and jealous of Maggie. Finally rejected by Brick and with Maggie in his hotel room Skipper jumps out of the hotel window to his death. Brick assumed there was something going on between his friend and his wife. But as I said they didn't touch on this much in the movie.

I'm not trying to be just always works out that way.


Paul Newman looked just as hot in this movie as Elizabeth Taylor did. I wouldn't have kicked either of them out of my bed.


Paul Newman was so hot in this movie he could melt rocks.

A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.



love this thread and as it's already been said; Paul Newman was/is a mega talent and was a beautiful physically!! did anyone see that screen test he did with James Dean (dunno what movie it was for), the two of them just smoulder together, like two glittering gems. Old Hollywood knew how to make them :)

"non-violence never solved anything" - Montgomery Burns



I just watched this movie for the first time last night and I actually found Paul Newman's looks to be a distraction (I kept thinking he's so hot and missing dialogue) As someone else wrote, he is absolutely breathtaking. I've seen him in many other films (Butch Cassidy..., The Sting, Cool Hand Luke) and think that he is one of the best looking actors (people ;) of all time.


Wow! Everything I could say about Paul Newman has already been posted! I'll say it anyway... he was HOTT! He makes Brad Pitt seem like nothing! He was also very hott in Cool Hand Luke. The part at the end where they show all of his smiles, I rewound it at least 50 times!


That man was fine in that movie. Absolutely gorgeous.


In this movie, Paul Newman is ridiculously good looking. He looked even more beautiful then Elizabeth Taylor to be honest.


I worked in a theatre a few years ago and a poster came in from the NEA, i believe, or somewhere, promoting reading in schools and the spokesperson featured on the poster was Paul Newman, today, older, white-haired, wrinkles. Well, the ladies of a certain age was standing around admiring the shot and reminiscing about how beautiful he was back in the day and a younger woman came by and commented that she didn't get what all of the fuss was about. He held no appeal for her. Well, the next day I bought in my copy of "Cat" and gave it to her to take home and have a look at. She came in the next day all smiles. "Now I get it", she said.


Even now, he looks very good for his age.


I grew up with the films of paul newman thanks to my mother and I am only twenty and in love with the amazing actor (and amazingly good looking man) that is (was) paul newman. It's one of those things where you just have to see his films. And on top of it all he has his Newman's Own line of food and donates money from it to charity. I think he's all around gorgeous. He has aged incredibly well too!


Paul Newman is an absolute dish in this. If I was Elizabeth Taylor I definitely would.


~ Paul Newman looked really hotn and still looks good now.



I thought Paul Newman looked really sexy in this movie.


I think Paul Newman is and was one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. So my answer - Oh yeah!!
