I am also asking why?? Why are the morons at Fox Home Video
not listening to the public demands for classic movies??!
This gem was not even printed on VHS tape!! And what about
other gems from Fox like "The Egyptian" which was on VHS
but never on DVD? Those idiots at Fox lost a fortune to
bootleg merchants who issued a cheap DVD print from Hong
Kong, and sold it by the thousands. Just as other examples I
might add "Tender In The NIght", and "The Racers" which was
printed on VHS but with 15 mins. brutally deleted inspite
of the cover artwork which claims the full feature time!!??
Few Years ago I got a copy of "23 Paces To Baker Street" from
eBay, but it was of poor picture quality, probably copied from
TV, and even that is no longer available, but you can keep
watching for future release. It is not the moon but at least
it is a star!!!!!