MovieChat Forums > Picnic Discussion > Favorite scenes in 'Picnic'?

Favorite scenes in 'Picnic'?

I was just wondering what are some of the favorite scenes of fans of this movie? My absolute favorite is Roz Russell's scene on the porch "Marry me, Howard". I think it is played so beautifully with such desperate hope and longing. The end is so poignant, when Howard leaves and Rosemary leans against the porch post and watches him go and then she just slumps her shoulders in despair. I also like when William Holden first sees Kim Novak in the boat on the lake after she is crowned queen and he salutes her and she salutes back. Another favorite is the dance sequence, especially when Kim Novak first comes on the scene and dances over to William Holden. What are some of your favorites?


TCM ran "Picnic" again today. That dance scene on the dock always gets me. It's one of those scenes in which nothing needs to be added and nothing needs to be taken away. That scene says it all, wordlessly and seamlessly.



I really liked the sultry meaningful dance scene, but the ending you mentioned, hello was special too.


But for the ending, it was especially sweet when her younger sister, who had always seemed jealous of her because of her prettiness, encourages her to leave to join Hal, and she goes on the bus with her sister nearby waving her off.


The dance sequence, of course. Saw it yesterday...though quite possibly I saw it way back when. Funny, but it still is relevant -- not very dated to me. A fabulous movie...great casting. I was telling my daughter about it but sadly, she never heard of Novak/Holden/Russell! And with me as her Mom, a movie buff.


I agree with everyone,I still get chills when Madge comes down clapping in perfect time............totally unexpected,the first time I saw this movie,sometime on late night TV in the early 70s.


Aside from the dance scene, I liked When Hal is running for the train at the end and he is turning around and telling Madge something like "you know you love me" (something along those lines). It was such a wonderful scene - very romantic! And also the helicopter shot at the end showing her bus travelling to Tulsa and his train travelling towards Tulsa - you are just rooting for their meeting in Tulsa!

Long Live Cool


The Neewollah scene is great too. You know they're all standing there without any clothes on, soaking wet and chatting about sex. Hot flash.

... I admire a person that's willing to do whatever is necessary.


Like so many, I love the dance scene. But the scenes that moves me most, send a kind of yearning through me, are at the very end. When he stands on top of the train, when Millie urges her to go to him, the goodbyes, and most especially that last long shot of the bus and train, going forward toward each other. Goosebumps.

Guess I'm a romantic, but I think Madge rescues Hal, gives him what he never had. I don't believe in all the gloomy predictions stated here. It's a happy ending.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


I'm optimistic too. The events of the weekend have forced Hal to realize in no uncertain terms that he's no longer young and has nothing to show for it. He knows now he has to start from the bottom but with Madge giving him some kind of stability and emotional support, he now can have the requisite "patience".

Even though my head realizes that people can't change other people, my heart wants them to be able to help each other.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


The dance scene is undoubtedly my favourite scene too, in fact it is one of my all time favourite film scenes. What makes it so enchanting is the unbroken gaze between Holden and Novak. Their eyes are locked together from the moment she appears clapping in perfect rhythm.

I also love the earlier scene where she is coming along on the boat and sees him on the riverbank and again, their eyes just meet, with neither being able to tear their gaze away. Those looks they exchanged told us everything we needed to know about the profound connection that they felt to each other, without the need for any words whatsoever.



"Go with him, Madge....."

"Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"



"Go with him, Madge....."

That's my favorite too. For once in your life, do something bright I think her little sister Millie sees something in the relationship, and believes it might be lasting.


It's hard to pick. This movies is so full of moments. The dance scene. I love the way their hands wrap around each other as they dance looking into each other's eyes.

When Rosalind Russell is carrying on about William Holden something like, ". . . naked as an Indian, who wants to see that . . . " as she peaks at him through the bushes.

The scene where Rosalind Russell and Howard are watching the setting sun and she says, "It's like the daytime didn't want to end, isn't it? It's like the daytime was gonna put up a big scrap, set the world on fire to keep the night from creeping on." Such beauty in the image on the screen and such sadness in the metaphor -- especially the way she closes her eyes when she says it.


~ My favorite scenes were when William Holden first encounters Madge & Millie at their yard. Also at the party. Heck all of the scenes.



"A prayer for the wild at
heart kept in cages

— Tennessee Williams
[American Playwriter]


The dance scene. I love the way their hands wrap around each other as they dance looking into each other's eyes.
OMG, I love that scene so much! Especially when he takes her hand and puts it over his heart.

If only I could find a man who's half as sexy as Bill Holden. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

I need my 1987 DG20 Casio electric guitar set to mandolin, yeah...


Always by the lake where Novak comes over to dance with Holden. Gorgeous.


I love so many parts but if I had to choose one it would be the part where Hal and Madge kiss for the first time and Hal says "Baby what did you do?" OMG, I just go into cardiac arrest every time. Bill Holden had the sexiest voice EVER! :-)

"Eat the cake Anna Mae!"
