MovieChat Forums > Picnic Discussion > Forget Novak - Susan Strasburg is the be...

Forget Novak - Susan Strasburg is the beautiful one

Long brown hair.

Beautiful face

And in that bikini when jumps up & down..... wow! They should have made her "the pretty one".



I forgot.... Kapo. I saw Susan in that movie a few months ago, and she was just as stunning.



I agree with you. I guess Kim Novak fit the description of what Hollywood concidered beautiful back then (i.e. the Marylin Monroe type) but I always thought Susan Strasberg was prettier. I always thought her character had more potential too, whereas Madge wasn't concidered the smart one and her looks would eventually fade, then what would you have? I always saw Millie graduating from college and going to NY and living a much more interesting life than Madge.
Just my thoughts on the matter.

Lucius: Dobby, please quit humping my leg.



You are sooooooo right!!!!!


Hey Roy, were we watchng the same movie. Get serious!!!


Sorry. THIS gentleman prefers brunettes.


Susan Strasberg was very beautiful in this film.


Don't get me wrong, I think Kim Novak is/was/will be very beautiful in this movie -- but every time I watch it I'm just shocked at how attractive Susan Strasberg is. And I use the word 'attractive' because she's not just beautiful, she also puts a lot of soul and personality into the charcter of Millie. I think a big part of it is that she's just so real and authentic. Not that Kim Novak is fake and plastic, but many of the classic leading ladies in the last 75 years have been. In fact, when I first saw this movie in my late teens I couldn't believe how well she compared to -- and often exceeded -- the beauty of the teen actresses at the time in the mid-90s.

...Also, do the math based on that timeframe -- I wasn't even *born* until over 20 years after the movie came out and she *still* made that much of an impression on me! I think that goes a long way in proving the point that the original poster was trying to make.


Both are beautiful women. I prefer Kim Novak, though. She really looks like a goddess to me, and "haunting" is a great word to describe her. There is just something about her. I'm a woman and I'd kill to know how it feels to be so stunning! Susan Strasburg is beautiful too, but in a totally different kind of way. I first saw this movie when I was about 14, and I remember thinking back then that I'd love to look like Susan. I guess my opinion has changed as I've grown older. Anyway, I love them both in this film.



she was my first crush, when i was a kid.



I am currently reading her autobiography, "Bittersweet". It is fascinating! My husband picked it up the other night and looked through it and looked at the pictures in it and said, "Wow, I never realized how beautiful Susan Strasberg was!" and I mentioned having seen this post about her in "Picnic". His comment was that "Well, Kim Novak was beautiful, but Susan was also, in a different way from Kim, but nonetheless beautiful." Here is an interesting excerpt from the book: "At 5:30 in the morning I'd sit fascinated as Kim was made up. 2 to 2 1/2 hours were spent on her face and hair. Then, in the scenes where she wore a swimsuit, they would shade her body as they had her face...'Couldn't I have dark shadows on my thighs like Kim?' I begged....Nick Adams, who played Bomber used to follow Kim around adoringly, carrying her chair from location to location. He ignored me. By the time we got to the scene where I had to cry out, 'Madge is the pretty one, Madge is the pretty one' I needed no coaching."


In the scene in which Howard says that he hadn't realized what a good looking little lady Millie is, and she says "blech," and Hal says "He's right, kid, he's right!" it is clear that Millie, and Susan Strasberg in turn, is really quite beautiful. Although we're not dealing with Ugly Betty by any means, Millie/Susan's beauty has been obscured by her boyish shirts and jeans, and her refusal to flaunt her femininity.

So "presentation" is the real issue. And in her career, as well as in PICNIC, Susan Strasberg clearly avoided the trap of being known primarily for her beauty rather than her acting ability. But even twenty years after PICNIC, Susan Strasberg could still turn heads with her class and beauty playing such roles as a Countess on THE ROCKFORD FILES...



It was Millie Perkins and not Susan Strasberg who played the title role in THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK.


Susan originated the role of Anne Frank on Broadway, after she appeared in Picnic. She was nominated for the Tony award.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


I don't know about Kim Novak. To me, there was something bovine in her prettiness. Then again, that may have been Madge, and not Kim.

I thought Susan had a lot more refinement and delicacy in her face.

Stop by the office anytime! You know we've moved!



~ Novak was glamorous but I always found Susan Stasburg very beautiful.



My cousin and I both thought Susan was MUCH prettier than Kim. I thought we were alone in this. Glad too see that's not the case.


Strasburg is much more beautiful than Novak to me. But Novak fit into the buxom blond image of the time (even though her hair is more red in Picnic)

Although I like some of Novak's films very much for story and the rest of the cast, I don't really care for her style of acting.


I'm watching it right now - and thinking how much Susan Strasberg reminds me of Natalie Portman.


I prefer Strasberg because I think nerdy girls in glasses are sexy! She was fun too!


Susan was cute, doubt about it. But Kim Novak was breath takingly beautiful, pretty, sexy and just drop dead gorgeous. She and Bill Holden had tremendous "presence" on the dock during that dance scene.


As I watched the movie, I kept feeling that Millie would be a lot more fun to hang out with. She was attractive, smart, and had a great sense of humor.


I've never understood why people thought Kim Novak was so drop dead gorgeous. She's okay, but not stunning. Same with Lana Turner. They're okay when made up with tons of makeup, but really, I don't see the huge deal everyone makes out of their looks. Maybe it's their presence and charisma or something. Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth, Maureen O' Hara...they were real beauties.


Millie was the best thing about this movie IMO. She had more personality and more life in her that Novak's character


I agree, Susan Strasberg was lovely. Too lovely. She's miscast as Millie, and probably seems more so nowadays, because her fresh, natural look isn't as dated as Novak's full-blown appearance and heavy makeup.


yes, i too think susan strasberg was way more attractive to me then kim novak in this movie. there is something slightly off about her, a kind of quirky goofiness, yeah like anne frank or something, in her face but also her personality was more spunky and she had more going on then just her looks. when she put on the dress later, she instantly became a real cutie. but yeah, if they wanted real unattractive girl to play that character well susan is not ugly in the least. yeah she is a different sort of beauty compared to the typical of the time full figured blonde like kim novak, who while she is obviously very pretty, is not my type at all. i like the thinner goofier down to earth girl of susan strasbgers character. susan as an actress defiently got more gorgeus as she got older. at the end when she said she would never fall in love and have "grimey" kids, i got the feeling she was just saying that because of all she had just seen and the heartache love can cause, but i think deep down she herself wants to be in love and loved by a man, but her time hadnt come yet. she still feels like a goofy, unnattractive little girl compared to her sister but she has yet to make a splash in the world.

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!


Her casting as the "ugly" sister reminds me of some lines from "The Simpsons" (an episode in which Moe is trying to become an actor): "I meant Hollywood-ugly, not ugly-ugly. Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island ugly!" Said by a casting agent character.



I am familiar with Susan Strasberg other than in this film, and she was quite good looking. The irony here is that at the time, as you point out, the character's appearance was what we consider today to be more natural, and that is not a negative. I don't think she was necessarily miscast, though, since I got the impression that her relatively less attractive appearnace, as considered by her contemporaries in the film, was more a reflection of their own conventions and standards of beauty than it was about whether Millie really was or was not good looking.

And of course there is a transition in the film which would not have been as plausible if the actress chosen for the part was considerably less attractive than Ms. Strasberg was.

And ftr I don't see any of this as a basis for negative comments about Kim Novak. She played the part as written, and should not be blamed if her makeup and clothing was much more about 1955 standards than today's. I guarantee you that if Kim Novak were the same age today as she was in Picnic, people would think her beautiful.
