Eva Marie Saint's acting
I really don't think she was very deserving of an academy award because she was just awful. There was nothing distinguishing about her performance that we haven't seen before, and it was a really bad performance. She looked as if she went out of character at times and smiled at random times as if the scene was over when it was still rolling, like when she fled from brando's character at the dancing hall, she looked like she was smiling as she ran past the dancers. It pissed me off, she really wasn't good at all in that movie when everybody else was. I think women in early Hollywood essentially just played the same character over and over that pleas for someone to help them with awful acting and the ear piercing screams that sound phony and ridiculous. Terrible, just terrible. Actresses today are much better because not only do they not play the same damn character, but are actually playing the character well.