MovieChat Forums > On the Waterfront (1954) Discussion > Sorry...I just don't 'get' Brando...

Sorry...I just don't 'get' Brando...

Is it me, or is Brando the most over-rated actor of all time?

I cannot watch him in this film without thinking I'm looking at a guy in clown make-up trying desperately to over act and be sympathetic. Instead, I'm amused and bored. He is hopelessly self-consciouss: check him out fixing his collar in the bar just after his brother was murdered--strictly amatuerish. ("Is my shirt on right??") How did Kazan allow that?

How about his ridiculous accent? What kind of an accent is that? New York? Brooklyn? Jersey? Not like any I've ever heard, and I've lived 53 years in NYC.

As far as I'm concerned Brando's is the worst performance in this film. Malden steals this movie, (Brando could NEVER believably deliver the "Jesus is kneeling right here" speech. Malden is spot on.) but I could see if you think Cobb does. Stieger is better than Brando as well.

Brando couldn't do half of the roles Cobb has done. Couldn't touch them. Can you imagine Brando in "Salesman"??? Laughable. They should do a SNL version of that!

That's all.


It's just you.


I agree with your assesment that people in the industry often should be less trusted, kissing a director, producer of other actor's ass is a necessity of the business.

BUT, they aren't kissing Brando's ass because they want a job or anything in return. They do it out of truth, out of pure honor and awe at the man's incredible talent. I've read multiple critical reviews of Brando's works, each of them say different things as to why he was so good. This in itself, is a testament to what makes him so good. He had a million tools at his disposal, he is the most talented actor to ever live.

They say it because they are inspired by him, by what he did. He was lucky in that he got some amazing parts in some amazing films, but they say luck is when opportunity meets preporation and that luck is the residue of design. I say that it is both, he was given these parts because so many recognize the man's incredible absolute brilliance.


I imagine you're in you're 50's-60's. I do not get why a grown man would register his unsupported complaints on the internet about an actor. To say something like this, "Can you imagine Brando in "Salesman"??? Laughable. They should do a SNL version of that!" sounds like something a 12-year old would say. You don't have to like Brando, but don't go out and make claims about what roles he can and can not do. You sound like an Actor's Studio alum who feels jealous that Brando has gotten so much more recognition than you have. If you haven't seen an actor do a certain role, it's ignorant to say they can't do the role. As for the Method, it works for certain actors, not all actors. It works for Pacino, DeNiro, Hoffman, and Brando to name just a few. As an actor, I don't use the Method. To someone who wants to be a Method actor, it needs to become second-nature before it works. Your reply sir?


If it weren't for your personal attacks I would respond with a thoughtful reply.

(This forum, I always thought, is supposed to be FUN; making observations like Brando in "Salesman" is done all the time. Oh, but that's not for you. You're an "actor." Let us all genuflect.)

Hence, since you have chosen to belittle me, take wild guesses about who and what I am, (which belittles you) I will simply say, "Go *beep* yourself, you pretentious, egomaniacal jerk." Now, you can go back to waiting tables.


All right, I'll admit, I was a little harsh in my last reply. I apologize. However, I stand by what I said about making immature remarks about an actor who isn't even alive anymore.

"This forum, I always thought, is supposed to be FUN; making observations like Brando in "Salesman" is done all the time"
Is it? Wow. I guess that means you have to do it too because the people that make those remarks can hold up an intelligent conversation right?

"Oh, but that's not for you. You're an "actor." Let us all genuflect"
Ooh, did I detect a hint of sarcasm? You can "genuflect" (how long did it take you to look up that word to use as an insult) to my knees for all I care. Yes, I am an "actor" but why is that such a crime. Excuse me while I go kill myself onstage for my starcrossed lover.

"I will simply say, "Go *beep* yourself, you pretentious, egomaniacal jerk." Now, you can go back to waiting tables."
This is funny. It appeared that I hurt your feelings with my first reply. Is this your way of comforting yourself? Does it make you feel like a big man? First off you don't know me. You don't know if I'm pretentious or egomaniacal. How can you make assumptions of someone who you don't even know? By the way, I don't wait on tables, despite your childish remark. But if I did, I would be the best damn waiter in the city.

If you think I'm personally attacking you here, just remember that you brought it on yourself with that reply. Put away the dictionary, and maybe we can have an intelligent conversation (Seriously) without sounding like kids on the playground. Don't forget to tip your waiters.


check out the amount of awards this man won during his career...
It might just be you, dear.....


The amount of awards... eh... tell me, how many?

And since when to "awards" from Hollywood ever mean anything?

And dear, you and your simple minded friends can't seem to understand a simple concept:

When I wrote: "I just don't get Brando," what does that mean? It means that BECAUSE OF ALL THE ACCOLADES he generally gets I just don't see the talent.

Not, "oh, gee, I didn't know he won an award and, d'uh.. oh, yeah, he-heh, thanks for reminding I know he wuz great cauze he won an award...d'uh.."

Anyone with an IQ above 4 write on this Forum?


You're opinion is your opinion, and you're entitled to it. However, for some perspective on Brando, and especially on his Terry Malloy character, check out the two part special that Turner Classic Movies did on Brando. If you have Comcast Cable, it's available thru their On Demand service. Otherwise, it's probably available thru rental.

With one exception,every actor interviewed in the special (Pacino, Duvall, Caan, Penn, Depp, Jane Fonda, Kevin McCarthy, et al), credits Brando with defining a new way of acting. The exception was Anthony Quinn, who harbored a jealous streak toward Brando. I've seen him interviewed on talk shows, and the jealousy showed, even though he tried to be gracious.


I do see where you are coming from but don't necessarily agree with you. When I first watched "Streetcar," I found his performance weak and lacking what it needed for Stanley to be the Neanderthal he is. And then after a couple of other viewings of the film, I started noticing his character more. He was underplaying the role deliberately, and his acting is something that I kind of have to watch meticulously or else I'll miss it completely. For me, his acting is almost like reading a book. In a film you can miss a couple of minutes and continue on without getting lost in the plot. But whenever I see him acting, and I miss a facial expression or an action, then I've missed pages in a novel. I know, it sounds idiotic. Quite honestly, I have no idea where I'm going with this. But I do get your point. And definitely respect it.


um didnt wanna bother putting up a new thread for this..

there is scene on the rooftop where Brando shows Eva Marie his pigeon and Eva calls it a SHE and the kid says its a HE and then the male pigeon lays an EGG!
so i was jus wondering if male pigeons lay eggs :)
oh and yeah Marlon was great in Streetcar and that uuh gangster mafia movie.. father something..

MĂ©nage a trois


it's somethingFATHER.


Thank you for your considered response.

Just for the fun of it, here's a list of Brando's films, off the top of my head and in somewhat chronological order along with my own PERSONAL ratings.


Viva Zapata Embarassing

The Wild One Poor


Desiree Poor


Teahouse Embarassing

Sayonara Poor


The Fugitive Kind FAIR




Reflections/Golden Eye Poor



A Popsicle




I think these are the only films of his I've seen but I also think a good representation, no?

I have two "Brilliant" performances and one, "Very Good," one. Worse is the number of "Embarassing" performances. This is NOT the resume of one of the greatest actors of all-time, is it?

Please share your thoughts, guys.


It is true that Brando did not do ALL great films. But some of our greatest actors (Pacino, DeNiro, Nicholsan, Hoffman, etc.) have had their share of flops as well. For me, he started off strong, and then went downhill after Guys and Dolls. He didn't quite recover until The Godfather and Last Tango, which was probably his last great film. Then he just started cashing his checks, because he didn't see the big importance of acting anymore.

"This is NOT the resume of one of the greatest actors of all-time, is it?"
Why? Because his films are rated by someone who puts down no reasons for their opinions?


You know a better reason?


"You know a better reason?"
For what? Explain what exactly you meant when you wrote this.


Late Brando is better IMO. But then, I'm not an ugly female desperate for sex so...

My vote history


After watching On the Waterfront I was not as impressed as I expected to be. His performance to me was overshadowed by much of the cast, even those in much lesser roles. Brando's lines seemed forced by me. A good movie and a good performance but the best ever? No chance.



You nailed it, ricksonite. That is why Brando is recognized as an acting genius.



its just you, ya douche.
