Just a thought:
Why does everyone refer to the movie as a "remake" of the original 1955 film. With a historic story such as this, in which much information not known to the public in the fifties is now available, the possibility of the tale being retold in a fresh light is very real. I haven't seen Jackson's "Kong," but my understanding is that it is a very different story than the 1933 classic and that abomination from the seventies that still introduced us to the always fascinating Jessica Lange.
I mean "Pearl Harbor" was hardly a remake of "Tora! Tora! Tora!" now was it? It was, of course, a disaster romance where the disaster just happened to be the attack on Pearl Harbor. All that was missing was Leo Di Caprio strapping himself to the prow of the "Arizona" and howling "I'm the king of the world!" OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but so was "Pearl Harbor." The real classic that should be made about Pearl is a film based on Walter Lord's "Day of Infamy," but I digress. . .
Give Jackson and company a chance fer chrissakes!
"I'm not from here, I just live here. . ."
-James Mc Murtry