You will not be able to avoid special effects by the bucketload in this film.
There are only 2 flying Lancs left in the world. One in the UK, the other in Canada. Both have very very limited flying time left on the airframes, so will most likely NOT be used. Add to that, they are not the right Mark of Lanc used, they'd need CGI anyway.
I'm a huge fan of the orginal film, but I will be looking forward to this version. Firstly, as a Kiwi, I would expect Jackson to not re-write history. There were Candian and US aircrew involved in the raid (one of the pilots was a New Yorker, in the RCAF), the placement of American actors should assuage the US market.
Secondly, do ing this film is probably the only chance to see a film that would give us shots of Lancs thundering along at low level over and over and over again, and for me, that can't be bad!
P.S. I'm off now to watch the orginal.