In defense of Tinkerbell
There's a lot of Tink hate on these boards, and I just wanted to put in my two cents.
True, Tink was a little bitchy, but that was just a reaction from jealousy over Wendy, which I can understand. Wendy had a crush on Peter, but Tink genuinely loved him. I mean, how you feel if the guy you were in love with kept bringing girls and showing off the island? Any girl would be jealous. After all, she has enough to deal with with the mermaids and Tiger Lilly on the island, she probably didn't care much for new additions. I think she was truly afraid of being forgotten. When she was trapped under the debris from the bomb, she was about to die until Peter made sure she knew she really was the most important thing to him. Then, she became well again, and helped out Wendy and the boys on the pirate ship. Tink has a sweet side that most people ignore
I do, however, dislike the merchandise. Most of it now is from the "Faries" franchise, which I think destroys Tink's character. The rest of the mechandise of the "original" tink glorifies the qualities that people dislike about her. Example: tinkerbell t-shirts that say "spoiled" on it and have her standing in a flirty position.
Frogger, Rapper, Snowy, Newsiefreak, Hatterholic
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