MovieChat Forums > Peter Pan (1953) Discussion > In defense of Tinkerbell

In defense of Tinkerbell

There's a lot of Tink hate on these boards, and I just wanted to put in my two cents.

True, Tink was a little bitchy, but that was just a reaction from jealousy over Wendy, which I can understand. Wendy had a crush on Peter, but Tink genuinely loved him. I mean, how you feel if the guy you were in love with kept bringing girls and showing off the island? Any girl would be jealous. After all, she has enough to deal with with the mermaids and Tiger Lilly on the island, she probably didn't care much for new additions. I think she was truly afraid of being forgotten. When she was trapped under the debris from the bomb, she was about to die until Peter made sure she knew she really was the most important thing to him. Then, she became well again, and helped out Wendy and the boys on the pirate ship. Tink has a sweet side that most people ignore

I do, however, dislike the merchandise. Most of it now is from the "Faries" franchise, which I think destroys Tink's character. The rest of the mechandise of the "original" tink glorifies the qualities that people dislike about her. Example: tinkerbell t-shirts that say "spoiled" on it and have her standing in a flirty position.

Frogger, Rapper, Snowy, Newsiefreak, Hatterholic
"And we talk, too!"


And I for one, most DEFINANTLY agree! =)


THANK YOU! Everyone always complains about her, and I keep trying to convince people she's not that bad.

Frogger, Rapper, Snowy, Newsiefreak, Hatterholic
"And we talk, too!"


Yeah, some people (mainly Disney fans) can be SO mean! D:


Tinkerbell was a b1tch. I dont defend attempted murder because you are jealous. I sympathize with her but I dont defend that course of action.

RingRing hooka RingRing


Seriously dude it's a cartoon. Grow up. I agree with the op.

Great Scott -Doc Brown


The jealousy of Tink was so over the top that it seemed it was female stereotyping. And parents now buy their daughters clothing with tink on them. Unbelievable

"Any girl would be jealous" - Now YOU're stereotyping females. Unbelievable.
And just because you feel jealous, doesn't excuse trying to kill an innocent person.

"she had the mermaids to deal with" - You don't catch a person's heart by "Dealing with" the competition. And you don't make him like you by being a bitch who tries to kill people. Unbelievable.

"people (mainly Disney fans) can be SO mean!" - If you think it's mean to point out bad behavior, and you defend it, then you're worse than mean. Unbelievable.

"Seriously dude it's a cartoon. Grow up. I agree with the op." - Speaking of mean (Unbelievable) you could say that to the op too!!! Using the line "Seriously dude it's a cartoon." is a diversion. We're not talking about the movie.

Steps to a great life:

Watch Twilight Zone
Listen to Wayne Dyer
Forget your diversions, come on go vegan.....I'll see you at the promised land.


"UNBELIEVABLE!!!" I'd say more, but others in this thread (namely, those pointing out Tink's extremely *gross* flaws, yet noting her truly *wonderful* heart at the same time...hmm, sounds an awful lot like a true, genuine *person* to me) have already done such. More than anything, I just *had* to comment here to ask if you really even know any other meaningful words besides "unbelievable." You're honestly the type of person who gives polemical debates a bad name. Wait, what's that? You *do* know other words, after all??? UNBELIEVABLE!


Well ive did some questionable things to my crush's girl mates and his wife lol! A hot guy can turn the nicest girl into an angry, envious psycho! Its easy for you to get on your high horse, you just wait til it happens to you!



i have to disagree. i don't like tinkerbell cuz she's a pain in the butt and rather cold like peter pan, which is why i don't care for him either.
what really annoys me is when you go to buy any women's clothing from the disney store, it's all tinker bell. i don't think she's that popular.



As Tinkerbell was so little she could only feel one emotion at a time.




That's what's wrong with you, you should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how


I like Tink. She's got spunk, she's pretty cute, and I'd much rather hang out with her than listen to Wendy rant about how to sew a button or try to convince myself Tiger Lily isn't an emotionless robot.
Yeah she tries to kill Wendy, but Hook tries to drown Tiger Lily, Peter Pan cuts off Hook's hand and tries to feed him to a crocodile day after day, Hook shoots a pirate to death cause he doesn't like his song and plants a bomb in a home full of children, even squeaky clean Wendy takes two small children to a distant world without even pondering to ask how they'll get back, whether it's safe, etc etc. This is just the insane logic of cartoons. If we judge characters as if they were in the real world, they're all pretty reprehensible. Better to just go by what they represent and take it all figuratively. In that vein, Tinkerbell has guts, courage, but also is quite vulnerable, loving and self-sacrificing. A bit of a bitch, too, yes, but under the circumstances (Peter being such a mindless sleaze) I think that's understandable.


She's a horrible, nasty little creature. I'd forgotten how much I disliked her until I re-watched the movie just recently. She actually tries to murder Wendy. It's fine if that's the way the original character is, but then why did Disney turn such a nasty character into one of its long-running trademarks?

I think even as a child I was vaguely disturbed by her, and I didn't understand why this icon of Disney, the creature who buzzes around all the commercials and basically serves as the ambassador for the whole Disney franchise, would be such a mean and jealous character. It must be rather confusing for children.

She should be known as Tinkertwat.


Um, I wouldn't. especially over a guy like Peter.

And no, SHE has a sweet side (a very small one) that SHE ignores. Wendy was a nice girl and she had no reason to hate or feel threatened by her. well, actually, since TB is not at all nice, I guess she might be because no guy truly likes bratty girls.

I love Jesus AND Jesus-hating atheists and am 100% proud!


Well I always loved Tinkerbell's b~!@%*y-ness, I thought it complimented Peter's arrogance well. I like her so much I named by puppy after her ^_^ (she's kinda "horrd" too lol)


you're a dense idiot, op. get a brain.

