MovieChat Forums > House of Wax (1953) Discussion > Which Vincent price movie did you find s...

Which Vincent price movie did you find scarey as a kid?

For me it was the pit and the pendulum , towards the middle there when Nicholas Medina's wife opens the coffin and steps out then slowly chases him down to the torture chamber , that scared the bejeebers out of me and I couldn't sleep for 2 days afterwards (our house had a squeaky door that sounded just just like the lid of that coffin opening LOL) every time I heard it I had to turn my lights on to make sure there was no one in the room with me LOL.


for me it was House on Haunted Hill.

WARNING:Contents under pressure!


Definately House on Haunted Hill.

The lightning scene with the rope and the scene where the woman comes out of the darkness still get to me.

Last film seen:
Pet Sematary - 8.5/10
Se7en - 8.5/10


My sister and I saw Pit and the Pendulum on English television in 1970 and it scared us out of our wits. I had never seen any of the Poe pictures, and I had only recently heard of Barbara Steele.
To this day, age 54, I still watch that movie through half closed eyes when it reaches the part where she's luring him down to the dungeon.

" Nicholas......"

Not to mention the truly horrifying final moment, with the eyes of the trapped woman staring out of the Iron Maiden. Gives me the creeps just thinking of it.

And when he crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him


Maybe it was because it was late and dark and I was all alone but the climatic scene in House of Usher creeped the heck out of me. All those demented looking pictures of all their cursed relatives while she's running through the halls... CREEPY!

"Eventually, they catch everybody." - Snake Plissken


For me it was definitely "House of Wax" seen in 3d.


I will agree with The Pit and The Pendulum.
As a kid this movie just creeped me out.
He also did another movie, The Conqueror Worm in the late 1960s, that was also very frightening.


You're in good company diamonddix1999. I understand Mr. Price saw "the Conqueror Worm" after he finished making it (I gather he rarely saw his own movies) and I gather it scared the daylights out of him too. He had been so focused on his performance that he hadn't thought much about what his character was like and what he was doing I guess and it scared him as a result when he saw the finished movie.


The Last Man on Earth (1964) is my favorite Vincent Price movie. I wouldn't call it scary but it's truly a classic.


Very good movie. Price is not only the hero, but an honest-to-God action man!


Not quite a kid, but The Masque of the Red Death.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


Ok so I just saw that movie the other day and that scene was creep for me, I was sitting on my couch going no, no, no, is what I'm seeing really happening awwwww schinkies it is! Plus his wife calling his name really was screwing with my mind. lol

For starts I think I'll break your neck.-Charles Kane (Citizen Kane)


For me, it was House on Haunted Hill. That's the only one I remember seeing as a young kid. The rest I saw when I was a bit older.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I was scared of the giant skeleton marionette in "House on Haunted Hill" as a child. It contributed to the skeleton phobia I had for years.
