MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > Was is controversial for its time, havin...

Was is controversial for its time, having an Hispanic man marry a White woman?

I assume it would have been, or where latinos more white passing back then?


I am not sure just how controversial it was, but I do know the network wanted a different actor to play Lucy’s husband, they did not think the audience would believe they were married!

Hollywood has underestimated its viewers intelligence for decades.

As for being “Latino”, that term and Hispanic were not normally used back in the fifties. The term HIspanic came into vogue in the 1970’s. Latino wasn’t officially adopted by the government until 1997. Just more labels to try and divide people as far as I am concerned.

Desi Arnaz was probably just referred to as Cuban.


Doing a quick google, I'd say no, because the guy looks white.


Yeah but his accent and the fact that they made his being Cuban a big part of his character didn’t hide the fact that he wasn’t “white.”


He clearly looks of a different race. You are a blind or have bad vision if you look at Desi and think he was just your typical white person.


He looks like a south european, and they are considered to be white here in Europe. I know in America you live your lives consumed by color, but not having blonde hair and blue eyes doesn't make you a different race.

I'll give you an example: Post WWII there was a number of immigrants from Spain and Italy who settled in countries such as Sweden, Switzerland & Scotland (i.e. the whitest of white places). Many of them would've looked like Arnaz, and when they married local girls, it was not controversial or seen as an interracial marriage, and their kids were not 'mixed'. Why? Because they weren't seen as non-white.

This is the exact same scenario here with this show. It's not controversial because the guy looks like an extra from the godfather. He is not black or brown, thus no one cares.


I was a young child knowing Desi wasn't white as we'd see over here. He's a white Hispanic at best, but not how we'd view a white American and at best he'd be a latino over here, someone OF a "different race". Sorry your European eyes are different and you just see him as the same as anyone white over in your turf. I SUGGEST YOU GET YOURSELF A NEW TURF. We view things the right way here.

For the record, the kids could very well be "mixed" given their spanish background. What the heck makes you think they're not? I never seen them considered plain white you booger bear.


He's a white Hispanic at best

If you have to prefix anything with 'white' in regards to this guy then you are admitting, subconsciously at least, that he's not some non-white ethnic minority.

South America was colonized by South Europeans. That's what this guy's lineage obviously is. Look at him ffs:

the kids could very well be "mixed" given their spanish background. What the heck makes you think they're not?

I just told you. Their society didn't view a spaniard & swede as an interracial pairing, thus why would the kids of two Europeans be 'mixed?

So many of you americans are consumed by race 24/7. It defines your existence. Look at how offended you are by me pointing out that this guy who looks white... is white. It's not normal to have this mindset.

I have no more desire to get into this discussion. Your ilk are all over every message board and social media page and, from experience, you get tiresome very, very quickly.


You're an ignorant bum, plain and simple. Desi looks ethnic by AMERICAN standards and his children would be MIXED on the same lines. Such a pity you can't understand that and want to argue Desi looks white or can blend in with the white Americans we have here. YOU'RE LOST. Now scram. I don't want to debate with you anyone on this either.


but he has a thick accent


They were considered an interracial couple back then.


They were an interracial couplle..


thought of as an interracial coupple by most standards


It still is.


Desi Arnaz, and the character he played, Ricky Ricardo, are both white men. "Hispanic" is not non-white.


White Hispanic, but by our standard American views if we were to see him as a different race, he'd be declared "latino".
