MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > I love Lucy Christmas Special 2018

I love Lucy Christmas Special 2018

Clips from the new colorized episode "Pioneer Women" were just posted on youtube, thoughts?


Probably the best colorization I've seen yet. Some of those colors actually pop, whereas many previous attempts had hues that were odd pastels.

I like it.


Yes, pretty good I thought! Even though the best colorization I've seen period is from a guy on youtube. I put the link in case you haven't seen it:


Wait, what? This is an independent artist doing these???

Here are your links - now clickable:

Edit: I see you have four posts... Are you the genius that worked this magic?


I'm actually not the person who did this, I can't take the credit! ahah, I'm just an admirer, I think this guy does an amazing job, it looks like real color, I'm not sure why CBS doesn't hire him to colorize the whole series to be honest! It's an independent artist yes, his website is, he really needs to be hired to colorize Lucy and other shows!


I've seen a bunch of colorized efforts, and more recent ones do a fine job of not overpowering the scene and feature good color "fit", but they hues were always odd. Until now..

... I'm not sure why CBS doesn't hire him to colorize the whole series to be honest!

Uh oh! You've set something in motion here.. Stand by and batten down the hatches!!


ahaah, I wish the color would look as good as his work seriously! If it did then I would be for the whole series to be colorized, and other shows.


Sorry, there is no "art" in defacing black-and-white photography. We don't colorize The Marx Brothers,
Chaplin, or Harold Lloyd. And Ball is just as legendary as these great men. We also wouldn't colorize
Woody Allen's "Manhattan", or Spielberg's "Schindler's List."

And please don't hand me the "but this is just TV" garbage, or (worse), "but this gives viewers an
option." It is extremely disrespectful to the original directors of photography.

Color is NOT "superior" to black-and-white, it is merely a different art form. And CBS/Paramount is
just greedy, looking to make more money on people who are tasteless clods.

Even if the color didn't look garish and fake (which it does), these so-called "artists" are "fixing"
something that isn't "broken."

Crayolas are for kids and coloring books, not classic television.


I just think it brings another element to it, it even makes it funnier seeing her red hair and blue eyes. I'm not saying delete all the black and white lol, but it brings new life into the show. And Lucy was all about moving forward, if she were here today, she would be one of the first ones to say to colorize it. Carl Reiner is all for colorizing Dick Van Dyke, he even hand picked the 2 episodes that are going to be on CBS next week. I agree there is nothing wrong with black and white, it looks beautiful at times, but it's just fun seeing it in color.


I'm not saying delete all the black and white lol

Well yes, that's the whole crux of the debate right there. If this was Cuba and Fidel decreed back in the 80s that all B&W prints either be painted over cell by cell or new color copies be commissioned and all existing B&W copies be destroyed, I'd be charging the guns demanding he stop.

But the original prints are lovingly archived for safety and many copies in both physical and digital of the B&Ws exist and will forever remain so. Those who prefer them in their original form can enjoy them that way and no one who enjoys the colorized version demands them to stop or calls them names. I don't understand why those who prefer B&W demand that those who prefer color be denied colorized movies and TV shows.

In the case of I Love Lucy, the series started before color TV existed, so there was no infrastructure in place to even broadcast color or any color TVs to receive it, so it would have been stupid to film in color at that time.

TV shows continued to film in B&W until color TV really started taking off in the early/mid 60s, when color TV sales started to catch up with B&W TV.

There's no doubt that ILL would have been filmed in color had color TV been entrenched by 1950. None.


Well said!


Dick Van Dyke was colorized and broadcast in 2017: Eps 1.02 and 3.28. What are this years?


The episodes this year were "where did I come from?" and "Never bathe on Saturday" it was great!


Get a dictionary and look up the definition of "deface".


I was actually referring to the anti-color backlash that will inevitably pop up on discussion forums.

I checked his page hoping he did a scene from the Honeymooners, but not yet apparently.


Explain the difference between colorizing "I Love Lucy" and, say, "Casablanca." Or are you for
defacing classic movies as well? If you are for one, and not the other, you'd come across
idiotic. If you're for screwing with ALL black-and-white, you're simply pathetic.

As for the nearly 100 year-old Carl Reiner, he is in the vast minority. Back in the '80's, when
this tacky trend started with Ted Turner, people like Spielberg, Woody Allen, and Martin Scorsese
voiced their outrage, and even attended a court hearing over this highly unethical "artistry."
They have not changed their opinions, despite the so-called "improvement" of colorizing.

The truth is, the TRUE black-and-white photography (I'm talking about the restored prints,
not the often blemished 16MM copies broadcast on local channels) REVEALS Ball's genius; the
FAKE "red" (try orange) hair and FAKE "blue eyes" distort her talent.

I'm all for CBS showing the series in primetime, but not honoring the show's TRUE photography
and the true history of black-and-white, is very sad and disrespectful.


I see you're back to your default method of debate: name calling. Idiotic and pathetic?

Again, learn what defacing is, otherwise there's no point in debating someone who has their own definitions.

Maybe each new colorized print should include a blurb that says "No Black And White Prints Were Harmed In This Production"....

The truth is, the TRUE black-and-white photography .... REVEALS Ball's genius; the
FAKE "red" (try orange) hair and FAKE "blue eyes" distort her talent.

Well, at least you've (inadvertent perhaps) revealed your problem with colorization: you're afraid that if you update the look of I Love Lucy, it will suffer when now compared to more recent shows made in the last six decades, and perhaps it does. As a huge fan of ILL as you clearly are, I can see why you want to protect it's legacy by keeping it cloaked in B&W.

As for Spielberg, Allen (the perv) Scorsese et al, why should I care what they like if I'm the one paying for my entertainment? There's only one person who knows what I enjoy and that's me (and to a large degree, my wife). Those Hollyweird pervs can watch the shows in B&W if they prefer them that way and I can watch them in color if I should chose to do so.


There is a big difference between colorizing Lucy and Casablanca. Sitcoms are flatly lit, they're not lit for mood, tension, etc. Desi tried to get Lucy to be filmed in color for many years, but was denied because of cost. They probably will never colorize the whole series, or if they do it will be many years from now. I am glad it is going to be on in primetime either in color or black and white, but the color, for me, just adds extra fun, but of course I still watch my black and white DVDs and love every minute of it. No need to call me pathetic, it's just my opinion.


Nope. Not a big difference. ILL was very carefully lit, and was, in fact, groundbreaking
photography, especially since it utilized three cameras.

As for Reiner, he still owns a piece of "The Dick Van Dyke Show", so the ONLY color HE's
concerned about is GREEN.

Maybe you two tacky dolts will get lucky and they'll colorize the opening/closing of "The Wizard
of Oz."


So Reiner is only concerned with money since he doesn't agree with you... Carl Reiner knows that TDVDS can translate easily to any generation and doesn't need the smokescreen of a vintage B&W medium to excuse it.

Maybe you two tacky dolts will get lucky and they'll colorize the opening/closing of "The Wizard of Oz.

A straw man argument if there's ever been one. Certain movies were intentionally filmed in color (OZ, Gone With the Wind) despite the considerable cost, and others were intentionally filmed in B&W (Young Frankenstein). Everyone knows Oz was filmed in both B&W and Color for effect, and that is one of the rare exceptions. No one here is questioning that or will fall for that straw man.

What's also true is the VAST MAJORITY of movies and TV shows were filmed in B&W because of cost alone. Most films and shows couldn't budget for color until the technology and economy of scale due to wide scale implementation reduced the price per foot where even sitcoms could afford it (seems the first two seasons of Gilligans Island in B&W was not Sophocles after all....).

And again, if you can't debate without name calling, please butt out. Thanks.


And YOUR head is clearly made of TIN.

The art of black-and-white photography has NOTHING to do with budget. Any moron
knows there are countless lousy black-and-white movies. But colorizing them wouldn't
save the bad ones, and colorizing the great ones only hurts them.

You argue "Gilligan's Island's" black-and-white photography isn't "art." What's
your point? The show is so utterly STUPID it is equally as dumb in color. I never
said black-and-white is automatically art.

Some TV shows are literally great works of art. "I Love Lucy" is the single most
influential TV comedy in history. The fact that it's still viewed by millions, has
been restored and found its way to Blu Ray (the first two seasons, so far) is
a tribute to its greatness and to the uniqueness of Lucille Ball and the genius of
Desi Arnaz. Only the greedy screw with posterity, and only tasteless morons feed
into it. And, yes, colorizing "The Honeymooners" would be equally as crass.

Nice to know that the dumbing down of American taste is alive and well.


If you think that ILL is "art" and was filmed in B&W for anything other than budget consiserations, then there's nothing left to discuss. Enjoy your delusion. The only way shooting it in color or colorizing it would diminish it's entertainment value would be if it was fundamentally less "art" than you give it credit for.

In the meantime, the majority of us will enjoy the ever expanding library of movies and films that were filmed in B&W because they couldn't have been shot in color - in color.

And YOUR head is clearly made of TIN. Any moron knows.... Nice to know that the dumbing down ....

Quoted for posterity because you have a history on other boards of insulting people then later deleting them.

And by the way, the Tin Man had a brain. It was the Scarecrow that didn't. I hope that being corrected doesn't anger the stuffings out of you..


Your comments on this reveal you as hollow are your taste. But that's your problem,
isn't it?

Since having the last word seems to be so important to you, you may have it. Of
course that means you have to post something after me, but somehow I think
you'll manage.

Enjoy your crayons.


Well, to each his own. Just as long as I don't have to watch a colorized ILL (or the early Bewitched episodes).

I've seen the colorized Christmas version of Lucy and I find the colors too jarring and distracting. They take me out of the moment.

Remember, gb, when I had mentioned Karl Freund and some of his rules for the clothes they wore? No solid black because it threw strange shadows. Filming in black and white IS different than color.

A long time ago I saw a Siskel and Ebert show that was a tribute to black and white film. Very informative. Up until then I hadn't realized that b&w is a distinct art form, not just inferior to color.

They have a a segment of their show on youtube where they refer to the colorization of classic movies as "Hollywood's latest vandalism". I don't know how they feel about TV shows, but they were of the opinion that colorizing takes away from the director's original vision.

Colorization always looks so fake to me. I was channel surfing one day and found an old Bewitched episode. Something seemed "off" about it. Then I realized that it was an early episode which had been colorized. I also saw a clip of a colorized episode and Sam had BLUE eyes in it. Every true fan knows that Liz Montgomery had beautiful green eyes.

I guess we can't stop the colorization process, but it doesn't mean that I have to watch it! lol


Not bad, but from what I know, their kitchen set had yellow cabinets and white appliances.

Of course, it could have changed over the years.


The video is clearly recently shot. Is that one of the original sets or is it a museum reproduction?


The kitchen that is colorized in the new special was the kitchen from the first apartment, the pics from the museum are the second apartment, But I'm not sure what color that was either lol


Have to check it out.
