Lucy is a pretty crappy person and her friends aren't much better. I watched an episode today where she tries to help Ricky get a raise at work. The owner of the club gives some pretty good reasons for not wanting to give Ricky any more money, but Lucy presses the issue. She says Ricky has gotten offers for three times as much money as he's getting paid. The club owner, being a decent guy, tells Ricky he's been good to the club and tells him to take one of the other offers.
Lucy only cares about her own best interests, so she spends a whole two hours making phone calls to make fake reservations at the club. She makes 75 fake reservations. In the second part of her plan, she gets Ethel and Fred to help her cancel all the reservations, making a big stink when Ricky isn't playing at the club. So, to serve her own purposes, she ruins a decent business-owner's entire revenues for a whole night. What a crappy person.
Rather than create a new thread, I want to point out that at some point in the first season, when Lucy thinks Ricky is going to murder her, he 'slips her a mickey', and she calls him Sir, in a very paternal sort of way, and there are times when Ethel is concerned for Lucy because of Ricky's temper. And so much racism, to all races!
The show is hilarious, but would never fly in today's world.
What racism? The only remotely racist thing i can think of is Lucy making fun of Ricky's pronunciation.This is something she does quite frequently, And as she's his wife, she supposedly feels she can make fun of him safely.
I want to point out that at some point in the first season, when Lucy thinks Ricky is going to murder her, he 'slips her a mickey', and she calls him Sir, in a very paternal sort of way, and there are times when Ethel is concerned for Lucy because of Ricky's temper And so much racism, to all races
By all means, there needs to be, huh. No racism to any races, nor sexism in I Love Lucy. Sorry. Try Leave it to Beaver.
this may have been mentioned before, but remember when they get a business manager.lucy takes orders for groceries for much of the building she totals over $470.but instead of paying the store she decides to keep the money, her logic was --let their business manager figure it that the type of logic a 10yo would use.not to mention thats a few thousand dollars by todays money.
Yeah, Lucy had a habit of taking any sort of rule or boundary and completely going in the opposite direction with it. Ricky tries to get her to save money and she intentionally does things that cost him money.
If I had never seen the show and only based my opinion on what's been written here, I would never suspect I Love Lucy was a sitcom. LOL I would think the show was about some sociopath who had just broken out of prison!π and was wreaking havoc on a whole neighborhood!
Some really intense criticism for a comedy show! Lucy did some bad stuff for sure. But there were a few times when she was nice.
Remember those "lovely" hostess pants she picked out for Fred to give Ethel for her birthday?
Remember when she was concerned about the cat burglar in the neighborhood, Madam X ? She promptly decided it was her best friend Ethel with very little evidence, and she tried to talk her out of her life of crime.
Okay not the best examples...
But remember her stint as an author with "Real Gone with the Wind"? She tried something new and the other three threw her manuscript in the fireplace because they were SO offended with her descriptions of them. Their names could've been changed. Of course, the book didn't get published, but they could've convinced Lucy to change their names to "protect the innocent." They made a big fuss over a book that seemed like humorous fiction anyway.
When she wanted to win that furniture from "The Home Show" she filled out about 500 contest forms, one of the few times that Lucy's new furniture didn't cost Ricky money. But she had to stay by the phone. It was Ricky who schemed to get her out of the house by having Fred make a fake phone call to her about winning. That was kind of mean. Imagine how disappointing it would be to think you won and then found out you didn't? Luckily Lucy did win.
When she was expecting the baby she tried a lot of things to surround her child with culture like the English tutor and taking up sculpture.
When she wanted to switch apartments, she was in the right. Of course Lucy went about it in a crazy way, like turning the living room into a toy store! But she did have a good point about needing more room. Did Ricky think the baby was going to sleep in his crib and then later a cot in the Ricardos bedroom until he left for college? They did need a larger apartment. Lucy wasn't being extravagant that time.
If I had never seen the show and only based my opinion on what's been written here, I would never suspect I Love Lucy was a sitcom. LOL I would think the show was about some sociopath who had just broken out of prison!π and was wreaking havoc on a whole neighborhood!
Lucy ACTED LIKE a sociopath; that's where the comedy came from. If she acted "normal" and reasonable, there would have been no show!
As has been said before, if a "real" person performed some of Lucy's "stunts," they'd most likely face fines or prison time. ξ reply share
Maybe you missed my point! I readily admit that she acted like a sociopath in many ways. But she wasn't. I meant that the descriptions here were so serious and depressing that they missed the comedic elements of the show.
The diagnosis of 'sociopath' gets tossed around so easily these days. But really, some people are just extremely immature and impulsive, as Lucy Ricardo was. They are not intrinsically evil or without a conscience, just very self centered. A show about a true sociopath would not be funny in the least.
I.E.- Hey isn't that neighbor of ours Charlie Manson so funny? When he doesn't get his way he threatens to kill you. Isn't little Teddy Bundy a scream? His girlfriend with long brown hair dumped him, so now any girl who resembles her is on Ted's hit list.
Of course there are many sociopaths who are very successful in all walks of life. Sociopath does not automatically mean serial killer. Even though Lucy exhibited some decidely anti-social traits, she did not have the major earmarks of a true sociopath.
I come by this knowledge of sociopaths the hard way, my ex-husband who incidentally was a physician(!) was much closer to being a true sociopath than Lucy ever was. I thought he became a doctor because he cared for people and wanted to help them. No, he wanted to make money and thought that was an easy way to become rich. To hear him talk about his patients, how "crazy" THEY were, how they annoyed him, how he dismissed their pain, was truly chilling.
Once a patient of his called in the afternoon about her sick child. She was very concerned, as any parent would be. It was not midnight. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. He was very upset of her "nerve' in bothering him at home. That was his time, as most afternoons were, for him to sit in front of his computer and play on-line poker. Sick people were just a bother and an annoyance to him. Anyone who called at home was told to go to the ER.
The exception he made was a man who was an electrician and did all our electrical work for free. Then my ex would rush to help HIM, yeah, because he got HIS services for free.
He could pretend to be charming and caring and concerned about people. But it was all a facade. Lucy truly loved her family and friends. She didn't always think about the consequences of her actions. But she DID feel love and guilt for some of her dumber behavior. And unlike my ex, she had a lot of friends. She was sociable and had people in her life not just for what they could do for her. My ex was friends with people he could use. Once they outlived their usefulness, they were history.
My ex, like other sociopaths only aped human emotions to manipulate and get what he wanted. If there was nothing in it for him, he could be downright ice cold to your feelings. For example, my beloved pet, my dog of almost fifteen years died. We had other dogs and he supposedly loved them. I was so downcast and sad for days. But he was so cold and dismissive. Just could not care less that I was hurting, not a hug, not a kind word. His wife was grieving, but all I got was, "So what's wrong with you?." It didn't affect his little world so it was just "so what?"
There were a number of incidents when Lucy was embarrassed or upset and she apologized to Ricky for her actions. Of course she was in the wrong and usually knew it. She fought with Ethel and then would be sad without her best friend until they made up.
A sociopath, again like my ex, feels NO guilt or remorse and NEVER apologizes. He would go off and scream at me for the most trivial nonsense. I would be reduced to tears and he would nonchalantly go off and sit in front of the TV, usually feeding his fat face with another snack. Well, his work was done! He was so abusive and intimidating that my son finally went to live with my parents when he was twelve. He couldn't take the abuse and screaming anymore. He was smarter than I was! It took me several more years of abuse to finally have enough.
To live with a true sociopath is emotionally painful beyond belief. Lucy was a nut, a schemer,childish and vain, an ambitious star struck woman who wanted to get into show biz,etc. But if Ricky had been living with a true sociopath the way I was, he would've experienced a living hell instead of an overdrawn checking account, new furniture, and crazy stunts in his livng room. Real sociopaths are NOT amusing.
You're taking the definition of "sociopath" much too literally. (I hope you've talked to someone about your feelings for your ex.)
β’ Lucy was a nut, a schemer,childish and vain, an ambitious star struck woman who wanted to get into show biz,etc.
Lucy was all the thing you said -- for comedy.
I stand by my opinion that any "real" person would face legal consequences for some of Lucy's schemes.
To wit: Stealing John Wayne's footprints for one, and for two, binding, gagging, and locking Ricky's dancer in the closet -- so that she (Lucy) could take her place.
Off the top of my head, these are two of her more serious infractions. I'm sure there are many others where the law would be less than happy with her.
ξOh I am calm, NOW, that is. I wasn't for years and yes I did talk out my feelings with several people and my divorce attorney.π Much safer than going after my ex with a shotgun. LOL And legal too.
I do have a kneejerk reaction to the word "sociopath". I believe it is thrown around too lightly and diminishes the impact that real sociopaths have on their victims.
Actually I don't disagree with you at all about the legal ramifications for some of Lucy's behavior, i.e., stealing John Wayne's footprints. There was a thread a while back when I addressed that issue. Some of her "stunts" were illegal. She got away with things that would get most people in trouble with the law.
Everything she did was exaggerated for the comedic effect. But I don't see Lucy as a cold, cruel and emotionless woman who had no feelings for her family and friends.
Enjoy the debate and discussion anyway. It's always fun!
Facts are not liberals strong suit. Rhetoric is. Thomas Sowell
I do have a kneejerk reaction to the word "sociopath". I believe it is thrown around too lightly and diminishes the impact that real sociopaths have on their victims.
These terms are tossed around causally, which dilutes their meaning. Lucy was not a sociopath. Don't let the other poster wrongly dismiss your stance due to his childishness, and lack of restraint.