MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > Lucy's a pretty crappy person

Lucy's a pretty crappy person

Lucy is a pretty crappy person and her friends aren't much better. I watched an episode today where she tries to help Ricky get a raise at work. The owner of the club gives some pretty good reasons for not wanting to give Ricky any more money, but Lucy presses the issue. She says Ricky has gotten offers for three times as much money as he's getting paid. The club owner, being a decent guy, tells Ricky he's been good to the club and tells him to take one of the other offers.

Lucy only cares about her own best interests, so she spends a whole two hours making phone calls to make fake reservations at the club. She makes 75 fake reservations. In the second part of her plan, she gets Ethel and Fred to help her cancel all the reservations, making a big stink when Ricky isn't playing at the club. So, to serve her own purposes, she ruins a decent business-owner's entire revenues for a whole night. What a crappy person.

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She's horrible. She belongs in jail.

"The mind wobbles..." -Kelly Bundy


There were a couple of old threads here on Lucy Ricardo's character.

It's generally agreed upon that she was childish, demanding, spoiled, and generally not a very nice person.

But the comedy comes from her schemes of always having to have her own way.

Ricky and the Mertz's should have received a trophy for putting up with her.


I've always known she was immature and selfish, but her schemes are usually not quite as intentionally harmful to others.

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It's generally agreed upon that she was childish, demanding, spoiled, and generally not a very nice person. 

Lol, you guys make her out to be like Angelica Pickles from the Rugrats. Lucy was never NEARLY as bad as her. Angelica was the true definition of a brat. 

Don't play games with a girl who can play better.


you guys make her out to be like Angelica Pickles from the Rugrats.

Am I supposed to know who they are ? 


Angelica Pickles was a character from the 90s Nickelodeon TV show "Rugrats".

Don't play games with a girl who can play better.


Lucy could be a be a pretty cruddy person, but I still love her. Thnks to the huge talents of Lucille Ball!


That's true on both counts. She is a likable character most of the time despite her selfish qualities and Lucille Ball is a talented actress who plays her part well.

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I think they were ALL kinda petty and selfish.

I mean all Lucy wanted was to be in the show sometimes. It would NOT have killed Ricky to let her be in a few shows! I mean it would not have killed his career.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


"I mean all Lucy wanted was to be in the show sometimes. It would NOT have killed Ricky to let her be in a few shows! I mean it would not have killed his career. "

That wouldn't have satisfied Lucy. She wanted a career in show business, although the running joke was that she had no talent. She did appear in a few of Ricky's shows, but was never satisfied and always wanted more, just like with everything else in her life (wardrobe, furniture, lifestyle).


It would NOT have killed Ricky to let her be in a few shows! I mean it would not have killed his career.

Yes it would have. There is a reason why no one hires pudgy showgirls to feature in upscale clubs: no one wants to see that, much less pay to see it.


Lucy? Pudgy? Bitch, please!

knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


Before I start and offend anyone I will start out by saying I LOVE LUCY is a wonderful show, very funny, very well written, ahead of its time, and holds up well TODAY as an American Classic.

That said, I will now trash the charactor of Lucy Ricardo!

When I was a child they would play an episode or two in the mornings and I loved it. As an adult who owns the box sets I sometimes find a little Lucy goes along way. Shes annoying. It annoys me shes so pushy! And I know some people say Ricky was 'mean' not letting her be in the show/ have her way...but most of the time Ricky was right! Lucy HAD no talent. And sometimes their budget DIDNT allow Lucys wants!

Lucy very rarely took no for an answer! Even if in her heart of hearts she knew Ricky was right!

Shes lucky Ricky was such a forgiving guy!

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The show is good and really entertaining, but if Lucy was a real person, I wouldn't want to be around her. Usually, she's self-centered and selfish, but there are times when she is just downright dishonest and her actions are purely criminal. I think it's good for a laugh when she plans one of her schemes where she intends to have her own way, but there are times when she should be put in jail.

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Well, she has been arrested 3 times that I remember. Once for speeding through Tennessee, once for counterfeiting in France, and when she reached across the counter to make change. Also in the episode where she goes door to door trying to sell a vacuum cleaner, she says that a policeman chased her for several blocks wanting to see her peddler's license.


They also got Ricky and Fred arrested on purpose and let them get booked and put in jail before going to get them out.

I'm just expressing my opinion.

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The Ricardos and Mertzes both get arrested in a first season episode when Lucy is convinced that the new neighbors are Russian spies and manages to convince Ricky and the Mertzes of the fact. They stage a stakeout in their apartment and end up shooting a hole in the ceiling. They had called the police earlier in the episode to report "the spies." I assume they were either arrested for making a false report or for shooting firearms inside (or probably both). It is also mentioned that one of the bullets hit a water pipe and flooded the apartment building--so there is money that the Mertzes are out to fix the building--except for I think Fred pledges to make Lucy pay the bill.


I love this episode, but when Ethel says at the beginning about the new tenant, "isn't he handsome" my reaction is always "Dr. Bellows handsome? Please. Then I always laugh at Lucy's reply about his bugged out eyes and hairy legs before Ethel says there's a fly on the binocular lens.


>>>The show is good and really entertaining, but if Lucy was a real person, I wouldn't want to be around her. Usually, she's self-centered and selfish, but there are times when she is just downright dishonest and her actions are purely criminal.

like when she purposely stole John Wayne's footprints.

and knew it was criminal to do so.


I generally think Ethel is more petty than Lucy.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


They're both very petty, but Lucy is a criminal. It's one thing to sneak into Ricky's show because she thinks he's having an affair with one of the dancers, but she does things sometimes that should land her in jail.

A lot of Lucy's plans are only possible because she is surrounded by people with equally-poor judgement. When Lucy comes up with one of her crazy schemes, Ethel will sometimes tell her she shouldn't do it, but sometimes she doesn't tell her the most obvious problem with Lucy's plan. Lucy seems to think she's going to catch Ricky in an affair during the middle of a show.

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The one time I thought Ethel ~and Fred~ were petty was when they opened up the café and Ethel and Fred were demanding to get out of the kitchen and jelous over how easy Lucy and Ricky had it.

I mean I can totally understand them feeling that way BUT that was the agreement they came to, they agreed Fred and Ethel would do the cooking and Lucy and Ricky would keep up appearances out front.

I mean it might be unfair, but if Ethel and Fred had a problem with it they should not have agreed to it in the first place.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


I really believe that the Mertz' didn't know what they were getting into, or just how much work is involved in running a business.
But unless they had a contract on paper, they were not in a position to discuss division of labor with the Ricardos.


Or the time they thought Ricky was going to leave them in Hollywwod. The washing machine. The chicken's. ETC


>>>They're both very petty, but Lucy is a criminal. It's one thing to sneak into Ricky's show because she thinks he's having an affair with one of the dancers, but she does things sometimes that should land her in jail.

like when in order to sneak into Ricky's show, she tied up that lady and locker her in a closet at Ricky's nightclub.

Might have been a janitor's closet or something like that.


If Lucy was real she would be the alcoholic unmarried woman who is 55 and lives in a dirty apartment with 22 cats, because no one else would be able to stand being around her. She's always getting other people fired so she can usurp their role (spokeswoman episode) or just playing juvenile tricks (crying wolf episode). She's a very unsympathetic character and deserves all the misfortune that befalls her because she brings it on herself.



While I don't agree with some of the harsher statements made on this thread about Lucy, surely you can't think that she is never mean or selfish. This makes me ask how often you have watched the show. She's got plenty more than the 'least bit' of both. Let's be truthful about it. Or as Ethel or Lucy would say, "Oh, honestly!"


Perhaps Lucy wasn't mean for meanness' sake, but she was certainly selfish and self-centered. She rarely considers the consequences of her actions. The show is so beloved because of the hi-jinx that ensue when she does what she can to get her way.

"The mind wobbles..." -Kelly Bundy



If Lucille Ball's character had the least bit of meanness or selfishness, do you think the show would be so beloved?

Yes, she did that some times, but what I mean is that the audience liked her. She was human and sometimes had human problems. She never came across as a selfish or mean person. I grew up with Lucy.....

Take off your rose colored glasses, Hon.

YOU have to separate Lucille Ball, a beloved and talented comedian, from Lucy Ricardo, a spoiled snot.

The harsher comments here are spot on.

As I said earlier, the comedy comes from self-centered Lucy always having to have her way. She caused a lot of problems -- and a lot of what she did could have landed a real-life person in jail. A saint that does NOT make.

I'm surprised you cannot see that.



I think it says a lot about the show and its endearing qualities that 6 decades later fans are still trying to define the character of Lucy. People love Lucy (Ricardo) because we often wish we were as determined and conniving as she is. But knowing we would be despised by many if we did some of her antics, we look to her somewhat vicariously, and don't despise her because she is only a sitcom character, and nobody is hurt by what she does (besides other fictitious persons).

And audiences IMHO are drawn to other characters who go after what they want with calculated scheming and manipulation, or sheer determination, such as most characters Clint Eastwood played in his movie career, or children who are like that, as in The Parent Trap. Compare that to other types of characters who are filthy-rich and use people and power to get their way-- like J.R. Ewing or what's-her-name on Falcon Crest. People may admire the actors who play them, while hating the characters.



I honestly believe (and it's just my opinion) that she's a self-centered and crappy person. It's funny to watch her with her silly antics, but she's irresponsible and petty and will stop at nothng to get her way. I like to watch her on TV, but I wouldn't want a friend like her.

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• People love Lucy (Ricardo) because we often wish we were as determined and conniving as she is. But knowing we would be despised by many if we did some of her antics.....


• And audiences IMHO are drawn to other characters who go after what they want with calculated scheming and manipulation, or sheer determination.....

You need to speak for yourself. I never admired Lucy's tenacity or lived vicariously through her. Maybe you do.

Her high jinks were funny. But as others here have said, she would be a difficult real-life person to be around: demanding, manipulative, interfering.

• The way to describe Lucy Ricardo is human. Shes a good person who loves attention and tricks Ricky into getting her way.

Personally, I don't find anything admirable about people who "love attention." I think they need a professional help.

• I love Lucy wasn't just a name. People loved the character and everything she did. Of the people who liked the show, I doubt that one though she was "crappy". Today's shows, now that's some "crap".

Now, you are just being defensive. Just give it up and agree to disagree.


Lucy Ricardo is certainly has her faults and if you watched just a few episodes you will soon see that she tends to be immuture and selfish. But the title of show says it all. I Love Lucy Despite of all that Lucy does and try to do, Ricky {The I in I Love Lucy) loves Lucy. And alot of us viewers,including me, love lucy!


She's definitely a likeable character. There are a lot of characters on show (past and present) who I would not want to know personally, or if I did, I would have to distance myself from them, but on a TV show, they are fun to watch. I can name a few examples:

Barney Fife - His low self-esteem and reckless nature cause him to do things that are detrimental to the other characters on the show. In real life, he'd be unemployable and probably dead or mangled by some stupid thing he did. On the show, you know there's no real danger and that Andy will likely sort things out, so it's still fun to watch.

Gomer Pyle - Somehow, this doofus manages to stay alive and out of jail despite the dangerous things he does at all times.

Hawkeye Pierce - He aids the enemy and sabotages the Army, but he still succeeds. He's fun to watch, but if he was in my unit, I'd shoot him myself (if I got to him before someone else did).

Then, there are characters like Bart and Homer Simpson, Hank Hill, Peter Griffin, and even Herbert the Pervert. They're all fun to watch, but I wouldn't want to associate with any of them.

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I like Fred more than the others. At least he's honest when it comes to his misanthropy!


I like Fred myself. He's kind of gruff.

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I love Ethel; she's my favorite character on the show.
But that has been discussed many times.


I think Lucy should listen to Ethel more and Ethel should speak up more.

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I like Fred more than the others. At least he's honest when it comes to his misanthropy!

You know, you have a point.

Fred tells it like it is; nothing phony about him.

The rest of them, Ricky included, are devious in their own ways.


"The rest of them, Ricky included, are devious in their own ways."

Ricky has to be in order to attempt to remain one step ahead of Lucy. Unfortunately, his success rate is pretty low, but when he 'wins,' it's very satisfying for this viewer.

Officer Krupke, what are we to dooooo?!?
Gee, Officer Krupke -- KRUP YOU!!!


John - Although I love the show, I completely agree Lucy could be very childish. I feel the same way about Blanche and Sophia in The Golden Girls. Hilarious for a Tv show (which I adored), but mean, nasty, hurtful people to Dorothy and Rose when they didn't get their way or the attention they demanded. These are people you enjoy tremendously on Tv, but wouldn't trust them as a parent or friend. Jmho.


Oh, yeah, I agree about the Golden Girls and I'm sure I've said so on that forum, too, but those ladies can really get carried away with their insults. I think Dorothy is the worst offender. Rose can ask some dumb questions sometimes, but there are other times Dorothy insults her without being provoked.

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I know this is a thread about ILL but as much as I love TAG and don knotts, I cant imagine someone that skinny and incompetent graduating from the police academy.If it wasnt from andy saving barneys worthless butt every 5 minutes hed be working as a janitor in some grade school.

gomer was simple but Im sure the marines would have been happy to kiss him goodbye when his time was up.

hawkeye was a very good surgeon so he probably could get away with alot ,he was very disrespectful to the brass but I guess they figure a top flight surgeon who is a jerk is better than no surgeon at all.


I like Barney, but, whew, that guy would get someone killed. Unlike Gomer, I don't think Barney ever did the right thing, even when the right thing was the only real possibility.

Gomer had times when he was actually a good Marine, like when he and Sergeant Carter were in the field and Carter twisted his ankle. Gomer caught them food and cooked it, guarded the bridge they were defending, and even made home-made cigars.

I blame autocorrect.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


Ive come to the conclusion watching it now Lucy had a mild mental illness. Maybe she was bipolar. It would explain why she did some of the crazy stuff she did and then on some days was a normal person. She had 'highs' and 'lows'

Now whats ETHELS excuse for going alomg with Lucys plans is, I havent figured out yet......

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I'm bi-polar, but even at my most manic moment, I was never as nutty as Lucy. I guess she wasn't on medication if that was the case. Back then they probably prescribed Lithium or something, which is probably not the best choice or not enough medication. I take 4 different kinds! I was only manic once. I must admit, it felt great. Then, crash - to the hospital I went. They sorted me out. Lucy seems hypo-manic all the time. Being manic seriously impairs your judgment. You do things you normally would never think of doing in wellness, so your diagnosis might not be too far off the mark.

As for Ethel, I think she knew just how nuts Lucy was, and wanted to keep her at bay as much as possible, so she went along with most of Lucy's antics. Ethel was co-dependent, as well.

Officer Krupke, what are we to dooooo?!?
Gee, Officer Krupke -- KRUP YOU!!!


She may have had some kind of disorder, but I think you're right about Ethel being co-dependent. Ethel, Fred, and even Ricky were all enablers who supported her crazy schemes.

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I meant she had an UNTREATED case and didn't take medication.
In fact, I would bet back then a lot of people walked around with mental disorders not even KNOWING it. I think its amazing how far weve come with treating people, diagnosing disorders , therapys and medicines.

As much as I wish I had lived in The Good Old Days, Im glad we live in a time where we have the medical advancements we have today.

Ethel was CO-DEPENDANT and an ENABLER. Maybe Ethel didn't have many friends other than Lucy and that explains why she goes as far as she does to please Lucy. And the longer Ethel hangs out with Lucy the less bizarre Lucys behavior seems to Ethel! They've been friends so long Ethel is starting to think like Lucy! (a shame it didn't work the other way around. LOL )

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mamamiasweetpeaches, I totally agree with everything you've said, both about Lucy AND Ethel.

Ethel had little if any self esteem, mostly due to Fred the F'ing A-hole, and since Lucy was friendly to her, and especially because she NEEDED her, Ethel was more than willing to do Lucy's bidding for her. I felt/feel sorry for Ethel.


I think there are a lot of people have untreated symptoms like that. The problem with Lucy is that she couldn't take the very basic instructions that a six-year-old could follow. I think if Lucy was a real person, the police would have been looking for her body and Ricky would be the prime suspect.

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I think you may be onto something. Lucy had a mental illness or a personality disorder. I've known people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Lucy shows some of these symptoms.

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder - very possibly!


In every episode Lucy lied, schemed, and manipulated others for her own amusement. So exactly why are we supposed to love her?


In every episode Lucy lied, schemed, and manipulated others for her own amusement. So exactly why are we supposed to love her?

I think the show's title is from Ricky's perspective:

In spite of everything (and there was a lot!), he LOVED Lucy.

The old show, "I Married Joan" (Joan Davis) had a similar premise.

She was a wacky as Lucy, but in spite of it, her husband loved her and was glad they were married.


Lucy was a comedic genius but her character still sucked. She was nothing but a selfish, callous bitch. In this day and age, her shenanigans would have got her sued, arrested or killed.



Ok, maybe I went a little overboard but you gotta admit Lucy was still not a very good person - considering all the chaos she caused just for the sake of the show. Ricky may have loved her but I certainly don't.



Lucy's character was a good mother, wife, and friend.

I strongly disagree.

Her behavior in most episodes was that of an obnoxious person. Again, this is where the humor came from.



By the way, the audience is live, and they wouldn't laugh so hard at someone "obnoxious".

You're missing the point.

You don't have to LOVE a character in order to find them funny.

"Archie Bunker" was obnoxious -- but his stupidity made him funny. He thought he was "above" others -- but the joke was always on him and his narrow view.

Same with Lucy. She was petty, meddling, bitchy, childish, demanding -- then, when she tried to get her way, the situation always turned ON HER. It was funny.

You don't have to be a genius to notice these things.

Frankly, I think it would be pretty difficult to be around an Archie or a Lucy in real life -- and I think most people would agree.



I can understand Gubbio's point of view. Lucy's childish behavior was too much such as in the episode when Ricky brings home a mink coat and Lucy thinks it was Ethel's. The way Lucy carried on about that was ridiculous. And sometimes she treated Ethel like she was an idiot such as when they were in Hollywood. Ethel made a suggestion on how to get Van Johnson up to their room and you'd think Ethel committed a crime or something with the look she gave her. Even Fred and Ethel rattled off some insults at Lucy when she got Ricky fired from the studio...vain, childish, etc. Now that was funny! So although Lucy was all those things, it still made it funny to watch.


Again, name some episodes that Lucy is all those mean-spirited words you call her. We have too many self-righteous people on here throwing out untruths.

You are entitled to your opinion, and you are entitled to be an apologist for Lucy Ricardo if you choose to be. Loving Lucille Ball is one thing. Loving Lucy Ricardo is quite another.

However, your opinion is in the minority.

I have no intention of recounting the many episodes in which she was a bitch (in most of them she was scheming and throwing someone under the bus) , as I don't have them committed to memory as you apparently have. It's not important.

I watched the show in its ORIGINAL run when I was 3, and I've watched the reruns till I know every word of dialogue. Today, I can no longer sit through them. They had their time and served their purpose. Enough is enough.




Apology accepted. No harm done. We can just agree to disagree.


Ive come to the conclusion watching it now Lucy had a mild mental illness. Maybe she was bipolar. It would explain why she did some of the crazy stuff she did and then on some days was a normal person. She had 'highs' and 'lows'

Bipolar is used on many boards, when I don't think people understand the definition. Lucy was not manic-depressive, or she would be debilitated/suicidal, etc; it's annoying when the word pops us. Highs and lows are normal mood changes.


I think Lucy was suicidal. She smokes all the time on-screen. She must have wanted to die of the diseases that smoking causes.
