Can anybody name any flubs,bloopers, mistakes from any of the Classic 39?
A couple of flubs from "The Bensonhurst Bomber" that no one has mentioned:
(1) When Harvey tells Ralph "Ohhh, so...YOU'RE gonna turn me and him into bookends." - When he says "me", he points to his friend George, and when he says "him", he points to himself. :)
(2) Norton says "Well if you know, don't tell anyone, cause the slip of a ship can sink a lip." It should have been vice-versa.
I remember that whenever Ralph told Ed about how he and Alice first met , there were about a dozen different versions
Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us
In #39, "A Man's Pride", Ralph runs into Bill Davis, that used to date Alice. Davis called Norton's number, which Ralph gave him ('cause Ralph didn't have a phone and Norton did). Trixie passes the phone down to Alice's window, and they talk. She tells Ralph, and when he tells Ed this, Ralph says, "Davis called. He called Audrey". He almost caught himself in time, because he turns his head and practically whispers it.
"Better Living Through TV". Norton doing a dry run of the infomercial they're going to do selling the "Happy Handy Housewife Helper" all-in-one tool. "..Has it been a day you needed a combination corkscrew and wart-remover?" Ralph had said it removes corns, not warts! You can almost make the case that anything Art Carney said shouldn't be considered a flub, given the character and his brilliant ad-libbing.
The very first time Ralph pronounces "Burt Weydermeyer"'s name, he says Burt Weyder-mauer, but when Alice responds, "Who's Burt Weydermeyer?", she says it correctly.
Bensonhurst Bomber has an odd sequence of diologue that I believe is a Gleason flub. It goes something like this:
Norton: If Harvey thought you could beat him up, he'd back out in a minute.
Ralph: Now that's ridiculous. How are we gonna find somebody bigger than Harvey!
Norton: Wait a minute. The wheels are turnin'...
Ralph: I know the wheels are turning. You think I'm going to knock out somebody bigger than Harvey!
Norton: That is the general idea. Now there's this guy that I work with. A real giant. Much bigger than Harvey...
And so on. But how did Ralph know Norton's idea before he actually said it?
That's a great catch..what's really funny is Ralph disagreed with the idea at first, and when Norton simply tells him he'll knock the guy out in front of Harvey, he says "That might work!".
Really analyzing it a minute ago, Carney tries to stifle Gleason cause he was stepping on his line.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb8ulccRP_E (20:15 or so)
in the "Pardon My Glove" episode when Ralph is trying to climb back into the apartment from the window, you can clearly see him grab the bottom of the window pane to push himself in. Obviously if the window had glass panes in them, that couldn't be done. In "Young Man With A Horn", when Norton cleans the trumpet in the sink, you can clearly see that he does not wash it nor does he dry it, he just fakes it but we can still see that the horn never touches water at all.
shareIn "The Golfer" Norton bends down to put the pincushion "golf ball" on the floor instead of handing it to Ralph first. Ralph has to ask for it, twice, so Ed could hand it to him, allowing Ralph to let out a yell because the pins are still in.
shareWhen Ralph n Norton come home together n they wake up trixie
Ralph says her mother n law uh my mother in law is coming
I just caught that too
Sorry if this was already said