MovieChat Forums > The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) Discussion > Fans of the movie- How old are you?

Fans of the movie- How old are you?

I hope I'm not coming off as creepy or anything haha. But I'm just curious. I'm 17 and I've been watching this movie over and over throughout my life. My mom introduced it to me when I was about 3 or 4 years old. It's remained one of my all time favorites. I think I've seen this movie more times than any other.

"It was so frustrating not to be able to touch them."-Why my mom cried when she saw the Beatles


I'm fifteen. I just saw the movie tongiht, actually! I'm a fan of old movies--they're my weakness. I'm so glad I'm not the only person my age who loves this! Oh, and WinkWinkNudgeNudge, I feel the exact frustration as your mother ;)


I'm 49 male and Scottish. I love almost any type of Golden Era Hollywood "fantasy" film. Besides the obvious Capra candidates, my other favourites run to "The Bishop's Wife", "Blithe Spirit", "Heaven Can Wait" and special favourites "A Matter of Life and Death" and my very favourite "Portrait of Jennie".
Some of this ilk I haven't seen but would like to are "Topper" and one with Spencer Tracy as a soldier in war-time - can't recall the title right now. Any more for any more?


I'm 66 years old and American. I love The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and have it on DVD. However, I have just found out that The Ghost and Mrs. Muir will be available on Blu-ray by December 03, 2013 and I intend to buy it. I have The Bishop's Wife, Blithe Spirit, and A Matter of Life and Death (Stairway to Heaven) on DVD and I just pre-ordered The Bishop's Wife (November 05, 2013)on Blu-ray. I already have Blithe Spirit on Blu-ray.

I noticed you admire some Frank Capra films. I have Lady for a Day and It's a Wonderful Life on Blu-ray. I have Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Meet John Doe, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, Lost Horizon, and Arsenic and Old Lace on DVD.

Monsters from the Id


I'm 17 and I love it. =)


Wow, it's refreshing to see a person from the NOW younger generation appreciate classic cinema and this movie in particular.

I'm 46, male.

I saw this movie when Telvisions were still black and white for the most part and there were no more than 13 channels respectively. So it was kind of a treat/suprise to catch these gems when they aired.

I was about...somewhere between 9 and 10 years old. I had the mumps and stayed with my aunt for a week while my moms worked.

It came on late one night and I asked my aunt(being a horror movie fan and not knowing WHAT it would be about) if we could watch it. She consented and checked on me several times to see if I'd fallen to sleep during the movie. She thought I wouldn't like it because it was not what she thought I was expecting but I was mesmerized by the story in all of it's facets. A timeless classic I happened to catch on Cable less than a year ago.

I was just skimming through the cable channels about two hours ago and caught "Mildred Pierce" just as it was starting on TCM.

Another excellent B&W classic along with....

Now,Voyager and Imitation of life.

"Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about."


Thanks for all the responses everybody! It's been a while since I posted here last. It's nice to see so many people from different walks of life loving this movie :) It's got a special place in my heart.

Long Live L.


Female and 57. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) is in my top 3 Very Most Favorite Movies. I can easily watch it over and over… I couldn’t even guess how many times I have seen this movie. The first time I saw this was probably in the early 60’s. I love “everything” about this movie and absolutely love the characters of Capt Gregg & Lucy Muir.

I Love the “clever” way this was put together. At the beginning where Lucy sticks up for her self when she is being grilled by her in-laws is just “the best”. I love the entire atmosphere of the house (I would love to replicate and live in the house as it was – old gas stove and Monkey Tree included, and even if it wasn’t on the beach… ). All the actors in this movie are perfect and spot- on! Gene Tierney, Rex Harrison, George Sanders, Edna Best, Natalie Wood. Even Isobel Elsom as Angelica, the Mother-in-law, and Victoria Horne as Eva the Sister-in-law.

I love the mood and the atmosphere of this movie and when it is over I want to watch it again, just to see Capt. Gregg and Lucy together again…

"Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn."


i'm 39 now and my mother introduced me to this film when i was about six. i would stay up late nights if i knew it was going to be on the local UHF channels, sometimes waiting up until three a.m.

it has always been one of my favorite movies, and when i saw a soundtrack cd in NYC about ten years back--i had been dying for the soundtrack because the music literally makes me cry from the second the movie starts--i jumped on it with a quickness. it's a great romance and all of my friends have been forced to watch it with me many, many times.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


47-year old male here. Must make an honorable mention to the penultimate sequence of the film where Lucy's grown-up daughter (a bewitching 19-year-old Vanessa Brown) emerges spunky, engaged, still lovingly close to her mum, and reveals that she, too, knew (or knew of) the Captain. A wonderful moment of the film that I think often goes overlooked. Until that moment, Lucy had spent virtually her entire life alone, thinking no one else ever got or understood the core of her loneliness and her decided independence. Having her daughter share that revelation was a breakthrough moment. I got the luck of the century a year ago when it was broadcast on PBS uncut, and I was able to record it uncut and commercial-free.


I'm a 19 yr old female and I was flicking channels a few months ago and came across this movie. I too am a great fan of classic movies (I don't like saying old!) and was surprised I had never heard of it before. Needless to say it is now one of my favorite movies!
