Awful Movie

I think Jennifer Jones stinks in this movie. Too bad the Producers couldn't wait for Teresa Wright to come off of maternity leave. I think she would have done a much better job. Just my opinion but I think Jennifer overacts, it can be very annoying for me to watch her.


It is hilariously awful! I was almost driven nuts by the interminable 10 minute "Prelude" of sleepy film score. Then, a screen pops up with big letters that says "Overture." And, an announcer has to actually come on and say "And now, the Overture to 'Duel in the Sun'." Uh, really? .

And, it only goes on from there! The screeching, stereotypical "happy slave" depiction by Butterfly McQueen (again!). And, the wildly melodramatic performances, like when Lillian Gish goes "plop!" and literally drops dead. I was moved to insert my own MST3K line, "Down goes Frasier!" Blissfully terrible.

"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"


The bad:

The movie is overlong and dragged in places where it shouldn't.
Joseph Cotten's character pretty much disappears a third of the way into the movie. Jennifer Jones' character is unsympathetic.
The story just isn't compelling enough. I wanted the movie to be ALL about the love triangle between the three leads and it just isn't. I wanted Peck and Cotten to have an all-out blood feud over her. (yeah, Peck shoots him near the end but it all seemed so tacked on and rushed)

The Good:

It's nice seeing Gregory Peck play a "bad boy".
It's always a pleasure to see Lillian gish in a talkie.
It's beautifully shot.


My review of Duel In The Sun, in one word: Meandering.

P.S. When Lillian Gish plopped over in her 'death scene', I almost fell on the floor myself.


Technically, Butterfly McQueen doesn't play a "happy slave." This is post-Civil War, so one would assume she actually gets paid for her duties.
My main criticism of the picture is that it's a Western with virtually no action until the final, bizarro shootout. There's big buildup when Barrymore calls on all his ranch hands to help stop the Army and Harry Carey's people. But nothing happens! No shootouts, no fistfights. And the Peck-Cotten confrontation doesn't work for me because the characters have barely interacted in the preceding film. They've said little more than 'hello' to each other and they're going to have a gunfight?
"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


Yeah, horrible movie,JJ completely miscast


Hilariously awful! Even trustworthy actors like Peck and Barrymore give howlingly terrible, scenery-chewing performances.


Nonsense. It's not "awful". It's not even bad. It's no great classic, but it's entertaining and well worth seeing at least once.
