It is hilariously awful! I was almost driven nuts by the interminable 10 minute "Prelude" of sleepy film score. Then, a screen pops up with big letters that says "Overture." And, an announcer has to actually come on and say "And now, the Overture to 'Duel in the Sun'." Uh, really? .
And, it only goes on from there! The screeching, stereotypical "happy slave" depiction by Butterfly McQueen (again!). And, the wildly melodramatic performances, like when Lillian Gish goes "plop!" and literally drops dead. I was moved to insert my own MST3K line, "Down goes Frasier!" Blissfully terrible.
"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"