It seems to me that Jenn Jones always seems to be above the usual fray. My opinion that she is so stunningly beautiful in a continual way, that I sometimes may miss her acting prowess. Certainly one of the most purely gorgeous ladies of the big screen. In this film, she is made up. That make up or made up production on Jenn may take some foci off of her and the movie itself. To me however, she is so stunningly, so darkly made up, that she appeals even more. JJ seems way out of what we are use to.
In Portrait of Jenny, a fabulous movie, one of my favorites, and in
"Since you went away" are what I and we might be trained to expect from this unusual actress. Selznick was no dummy. As head of the studio, he marries this incredible object of desire. Somehow, I've just always felt that Jennifer Jones has in some way been different and to it, been placed mostly in extremely good moves and parts. She is DIFFERENT, at least to me. As for the movie. Not the best vehicle for sure, but I must admit that while I've seen "Jenny" over and over, A duel is one movie I don't think I have ever seen completely, even one time.
Let me just say this. Take a look at Jennifer and Peck in the scene where she asks Peck if he'd like to take a swim. Just look at that girl! Not many women are that gorgeous, that sensual. I find her to be absolutely stunning in this not to great film.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that this movie is worthwhile watching at least to me, just for J J.