Much better than Casablanca

Similar films, but much better than Casablanca. The chemistry and banter between Bogey and Bacall is electric. To me this movie seems much more interesting and alive than Casablanca. One of my top three favs.

"Thank you for the coffee...and the SEVENTEEN floor climb!"


While watching, I was constantly reminded of Casablanca. Story and environment, sets, steamy, etc. And there's this guy singing at the piano. Differences? Well, Bacall was singing and steaming. Yes, I think, that CASABLANCA should be RE-MADE with computers dubbing her for Bergman in all the scenes and moving lots of the dialogue from THAHN into CASABLANCA. Combine the best of both. It would have been (if they had made it that way) one of THE BEST flicks of EVER.

As it is, it's almost as good as Casablanca. I still go for Casablanca as a bit better due to the "superlife" events and HUGENESS of it all and all the overblown glory of a great old war story.

There are great moments in both films. Theme song goes to Casablanca for sure. And "We'll always have Paris." has the edge over the whistle blower in THAHN. But not by much. Both of these films are some of the best ever.

But I really wish they had done Casablanca in 1944 with Bogart and Bacall and then THAHN in 1942 with whoever and Bogart. Just time warping through history and trying to improve it all...nice to dream.

All these moments will be lost in time AS tears in rain. (Improved the line?)


I think it's better than Casablanca too

~Proud Balehead~


There's absolutely no way it's better than Casablanca.

However, it IS better than The Breaking Point, IMHO, which starred John Garfield, and was essentially a remake (although it supposedly stayed closer to Hemingway's novel than did THAHN). Hemingway liked The Breaking Point better, as do many people, but I definitely believe To Have and Have Not is superior to TBP.

But better than Casablanca? No way.

"We are the beautiful and holy children of God"-Bill Hicks

"We're a virus with shoes"-Bill Hicks



No, It's just slutty.....but I like it!




THAHN is a good film. I do think Casablanca is better though because it seems to have more of everything except the blazing chemistry between Bogie and Bacall. He didn't have a tenth of that with Bergman and it's the main reason I like THAHN more. They really lit up the screen.


No, Casablanca was the better film, but this one is still very good.


This film has almost as good atmosphere as Casablanca and the acting is actually better than in Casablanca but it lacks that flawless pacing and relentless drive of that more celebrated film. It lacks the fluidity in both editing and camera movement. Casablanca is frighteningly well made from a technical standpoint.


Totally agree. The love story in Casablanca is from a previous relationship shown in flashbacks where you don't have any kind of ignition for what happens in the movie. Here you have them not like each other, then like each other. Plus, the plot here is much more interesting, less of a WW2 propaganda film and Bogart is far more relaxed and worn-in and perfect.

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Why compare them??? They were both brilliant films.


B&B are the reason this is worth watching more than once. The story? Not so much.


I can't imagine any way THAHN is better than Casablanca, let alone much better. THAHN is like a Casablanca type movie at half-res. There is not the broad sweeping survey of the times, or the many different classic characters. It's a simple fun movie, and Bacall almost a teen-ager is traveling around with no money, alone. Then there is the singing parts. It's kind of silly how Bogie keeps Walter Brennan around out of the kindness of his heart like a pet. It has none of the weight or gravitas of Casablanca, which is not to say it is not good or even great, it just cannot stand up to CB, but nor should it have to.
