While watching, I was constantly reminded of Casablanca. Story and environment, sets, steamy, etc. And there's this guy singing at the piano. Differences? Well, Bacall was singing and steaming. Yes, I think, that CASABLANCA should be RE-MADE with computers dubbing her for Bergman in all the scenes and moving lots of the dialogue from THAHN into CASABLANCA. Combine the best of both. It would have been (if they had made it that way) one of THE BEST flicks of EVER.
As it is, it's almost as good as Casablanca. I still go for Casablanca as a bit better due to the "superlife" events and HUGENESS of it all and all the overblown glory of a great old war story.
There are great moments in both films. Theme song goes to Casablanca for sure. And "We'll always have Paris." has the edge over the whistle blower in THAHN. But not by much. Both of these films are some of the best ever.
But I really wish they had done Casablanca in 1944 with Bogart and Bacall and then THAHN in 1942 with whoever and Bogart. Just time warping through history and trying to improve it all...nice to dream.
All these moments will be lost in time AS tears in rain. (Improved the line?)