I personally like To Have and Have Not more and think it a more interesting love story, but judging them as just general movies I would consider Casablanca to be equal or maybe even better. It just has a more intense and important-feeling story, if that makes any sense.
Though Ingrid Bergman and Bogey were lovely together, I just think a match like him with someone more sassy and with some attitude like Bacall's character just works better. When you take one of Bogart's typical cynical, tough-guy characters like Harry and pair him with a woman you have to see that he's met his match, and he definitely has with Slim, who he can't fool for a minute. Howard Hawks legendarily said to him, "You are about the most insolent man on the screen and I'm going to make a little girl more insolent than you are." Even though he tries to pretend there are "no strings attached to him" and tell her to give up and get lost, you can see she has him in the palm of her hand. As nice as it is to watch in Casablanca when Rick is being sweet to Ilsa, it's a lot more satisfying to me to watch a romance between one of his characters and a woman who can actually handle his tough side.
"Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's."