Censorship as bad as racism...
While I can understand the idea behind omitting the black Centaur/servant, chopping out something like that from something considered Art, is idiotic and offensive. It's no different from editing history books in an effort to not "offend" anybody. Kind of like taking all photos of the Third Reich and removing every image of a swastika that can be seen; I mean that symbol is very offensive to a great number of people, right? A Disney film from 1940 IS a piece of history, and it reflects the social/political climate of it's time. So why the hell would some insipid moron edit out such a thing from "Fantasia?" I find it depressing that people have learned so little through the years. Shame on whoever censors art. That should be illegal..
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'