Who would rate this a 1 ?

I'm just curious why in the world anyone would do such a thing. Is this on the level with Manos, Hands of Fate or Plan 9 From Outer Space ? No, I think this is more along the lines of Citizen Kane, Casablanca, and The Seven Samurai.




This board is one reason why I detest "cinephiles," aka film buffs, they are such pretentious turds.

I personally loved the film, I really couldn't care less about some stupid "Critic's top 10" article. Why on earth would you let anyone's opinion sway your response to a film (either negative or positive) is completely beyond me.

I liked it because I liked it....

As for it being "boring" I'm not really certain what that actually means. I suppose it's a "dry" film, but how does one equate "boring" with the word dry?


It's cuz dis movee is BORING lol dis movee iz fr snobs u shud wach kewl movees lke "Inception" cuz its an inteligent and amasing mastepiece


A stupid person would rate it a 1.... Or perhaps some smarter breeds of dog that couldn't grasp what was going on and were upset there weren't more dogs in the movie.


I rated it a 2, so I guess I'm in the clear, right? On some level, it probably could get a 3 or 4, but my disdain for it drops it to a 2. I imagine the excessive pretentiousness of some of this board's most vociferous and hostile members is also causing some of the low ratings, by the way. Also, it's rather laughable to judge the intelligence of others based off of whether they gave some old french movie on imdb a 1 star or not, absolutely childish to the point I'm aghast just looking at this load of rubbish spread throughout the topic. So what happens when you decide you don't like a "masterpiece"? You have to rectify that by fooling yourself into liking a movie or giving it a high rating on imdb and chatting about how great it is with film aficionados? It really comes down to personal taste whether you like this movie or any other movie, not intelligence. Even if you understand the movie, if nothing about it appeals to you, you're not going to like it - end of story.

