Who would rate this a 1 ?

I'm just curious why in the world anyone would do such a thing. Is this on the level with Manos, Hands of Fate or Plan 9 From Outer Space ? No, I think this is more along the lines of Citizen Kane, Casablanca, and The Seven Samurai.


We viewed this film in my film class. Students absolutley hated it. I for one loved it, but a lot people detest it.


That's strange. It was detested when it first came out, too, but now it seems so prophetic, apart from everything else.


Hate it? After near 70 years? Now to say you hate a classic like this is like you say you hate Bach!!!


Its no Seven Samurai (or Citizen Kane for that manner), but its a whole lot better than a lot of films. I'd give it an 8/10.

Last film seen: Children of Men 6/10


Because they didn't like it, maybe?


Sorry I don't know if anyone has given my idea or not yet, my time is limited. But I think the reason alot of people give films 1 is to reduce the average score for the film (if they feel it is very overrated). I personally have felt this film is overrated in the past (although I need to see it again). I haven't rated it here myself.






I think people vote 1's on a movie like this solely to bring the overall rating down, not because they actually feel that it deserves a 1.
