While I can never condone retributional violence, it was once considered a part of true manhood to be willing to literally fist-fight to redeem one's honor or defend the honor of one's girlfriend, wife, family, friend, etc. To me personally, would still be hard to resist the impulse to do so, even in this day and age, but nowadays it would only invite jail time and lawsuits so it's best to just grin and bear it.
You also have to remember that, in another day and time, the same two guys engaging in a knock-down, drag-out fight might be spotted later in the same day sharing drinks at the bar; today, fighting is often playing FOR KEEPS and people do die from the stabbings, gunfire and merciless beatings by gangs as a result of it. Again, best to just suck it up when someone offends you, and just let the other guy go on his merry little way and, later on down the road, suffer "karma" or "what goes around, comes around" or "reaping what he sows" or what ever you want to call it.