MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Who is her equal on the Republican side?

Who is her equal on the Republican side?

You can criticize AOC and all but I don't think the Republicans have a woman that can compete with her on their side with such a reach and popularity and commanding os much attention and using her voice to push for her agendas in a prominent manner.

Who is there? Lauren Boebert? Doesn't seems as relevant.


We're having a hard time finding anyone in the GOP as stupid as AOC. Closest equivalent are the silk houseplants decorating the meeting rooms, and their IQ rating is a couple of degrees higher.


AOC has some crazy ideas that’s true but I wouldn’t say that she is “stupid”. Don’t subestimate her.


Her only purpose is to be a clown for the Big White Top in Washington, little more. Nancy Pelosi even made fun of how easy it was for her to win the election in her district. She said that a glass water with a "D" on it could have won that election, basically saying the people of the Bronx are about on the same "intelligence" level as AOC when it comes to voting, hence why the term "Bronx" is synonymous with "slum," "craphole," and "no-go-zone." I've honestly seen Neanderthals in the Ice Age who are smarter than that lot.
