MovieChat Forums > Tyreek Hill Discussion > The Tyreek Hill body cam footage has bee...

The Tyreek Hill body cam footage has been released.

And it is about as disgusting as you would expect:


Disgusting is the right word. Hill's lucky he wasn't arrested for that behavior. Those cops were patient af


I think at least of one of them has been reassigned to admin duties.

More football members were passing and stopped. They were handcuffed and given a ticket for asking questions.


Sad society that we live in if that's the case. Hill was treated with kid gloves because of his wealth. Had you or I done what he did we'd have arrested.


If I had done what he did, I would have been asked out for coffee. After my ticket.


I saw a fat guy power tripping on him and the other player...


Then you watched with biased eyes.


no, im on the side of the police 99.9%, but this dude seemed like classic pussy power-tripper. yes he should not have put his window up, but cop was bitch mode....


Hill's lucky he wasn't arrested for that behavior.

I imagine word finally got around that he was a Dolphin player. They didn't know at first. Absolutely that level of disrespect would warrant an arrest otherwise, and deservedly so. What a totally privileged asshole.

Sure the cops over-reacted, see George Floyd. But do what they say and nothing bad happens. Rodney King and George Floyd were too drugged up to show obedience. Tyreek just has a bad case of privilege.


I don't understand why this was posted on the BBC sports site.

I have absolutely no idea who this guy is, as would 99.99% of people in the UK.

The only logical explanation I can think of is to incite racial divide here. Which if true, really annoys me. It's like an attempt to spread the USA's us Vs them internationally...


I didn't know sports sites should only report on their countries' sports. Dumbass.


LOL. So the SPORTS section of a British publicly funded website should be headline telling us about the off fields goings on involving someone in some minority foreign sport?!!

😂 Yeah, good one. I think we'll have to declare double dumbass on you here...


The only logical explanation I can think of is to incite racial divide here. Which if true, really annoys me. It's like an attempt to spread the USA's us Vs them internationally...

Yes. The media pushes these stories because they know it whips all the simpletons up into a racial frenzy. It's tiresome.


I support the cops' actions. Hill was telling the cop not to tap on his window and even told him to hurry up. Hill was even complaining about surgery on his knee but he actually played in a game later that day. The two links below show that many NFL players have made the news by having car wrecks that injure and kill people. NFL players aren't the only people who drive recklessly but everyone should be held accountable. Hill has been getting in trouble with the law lately so he needs to know that he is NOT above the law.


Do as you're told when a cop pulls you over. If the cop is out of line, your lawyer will take care of it later.


You are not automatically under arrest from a traffic violation. Yes, be polite, but I didn't see any politeness from the cops here. They were clearly looking for a fight. Hill did nothing to warrant being handcuffed and slammed to the ground, nothing!


Sure he did.

1. He drove 40 miles over the speed limit. That alone warrants arrest.

2. The officer was polite and formal with him, and he was disrespectful. He then disobeyed the police officer and refused to roll his window down. The officer could not see him behind the tinted window. He could easily have been pointing a gun at the officer. That definitely warrants him being asked to step out of the car.

3. When the door was opened and he was asked to step out, he sat there and didn't get out.

I'd say Hill got what was coming to him, but he didn't. He got off easy because of his wealth and fame. If you or I behaved like he did, we'd be in jail right now, and rightfully so.


Those cops are hopefully fucked. I hope Tyreek Hill can take the Florida Highway Patrol to the cleaners over this. I'm not seeing the same thing most of you seem to be. I didn't see anything beligerent from Hill, other than possibly rolling up the window, but that's not a violent act.

The cops are acting beligerent and antagonistic, full on macho tough guy bullshit right from the start. And judging by their mangled English and accents, at first I had trouble determining the location of this, I thought maybe this was in Mexico. Hill can use that in his defense very easily, to say that he had trouble understanding the officers commands do to the mangled English language.

Are these illegal alien 'cops'? The question needs asked, and Hill has a bunch of avenues here to wreck these punk ass cops. Maybe they'll get deported.


Isn't Miami one of the states with the highest homicide rate? And serial killers?

I'd be extra careful to if I was that cop. Criminals don't fuck around in Miami.


I thought cops "overreacting" in the States meant the suspect died.

So they roughed him up a little bit.....big deal. He was being a knob.

I bet next time he'll be a lot more respectful.

Everyone knows when dealing with the law to be nice to the bastards.


The cops may have overreacted but it's Hill's fault he got dragged out of his car. If Hill complied he would have just received a ticket and nothing else would have happened. What an idiot.
