haha she's fat!!!
lol!!! donald trump is also fat so lets make fun of him too!!!
sharetrump is a little fat but still has the shape of a humanoid for the most part. this old bitch is the size and shape of some sort of sea lion or something
shareTrump keeps his ass covered. This beast does not.
She's so brave
No,wait..what's the word.. oh,yes FAT
*morbidly obese
shareOnly a liberal would compare a slightly overweight man in his 70s who dresses professionally, to a vastly obese woman in her 30s who wears thongs. When the rest of the world is mocking you liberal snowflakes and call you a joke, just know, it's because you rationalize dumb shit like this and think you're clever. 🤣
shareawwww is the wittle conservative crying? it's okay, go suck on your sonic the hedgehog minky and crawl into your mother's musky basement. it'll be okay. my lefty jokes will stop offending you in your safespace.
shareAlso typical of liberals is the inability to counter valid facts without simply casting insults, and the inabilty to be funny. Should I own you some more, or has this been enough?🤡
sharei fail to see where you have owned me, please point it out....seriously, "own?" thanks for the throwback on that decade-late outdated slang. didn't realize i was arguing with a 13-year-old from 2007, but now that makes a lot of sense.
and trump's 290 pounds is "slightly overweight?" hmm, very telling of your personal fitness standards lol
One has to wonder if you're "playing" stupid.
shareOh, there's no playing I'm sure. That member is genuinely stupid.
shareWanna know a fact? Trump's BMI at his weight and height 37.8%, which registers him as Class 2 morbidly obese. Unless it's mostly muscle, which we know it isn't. Owned? Of course, conservatives absolutely hate facts, so I might as well be arguing a brick wall. The wall would learn more.
shareSo what's Lizzo? Super Duper Morbidly Obese? Lol, why do you know so much about Trumps medical history. It's also bullshit. Trump doesn't weigh 290 just because some snowflake friend of yours online said he does, you daft bastard🤣. That's a lot of mental investment in someone you obviously don't like. One might say he's "living in your head", but that's irrelevant. No honest person would remotely compare how overweight Lizzo is compared to Trump, nor would an honest and unbiased person ignore the 42 year difference in age. Honestly, only a silly cunt would even try to compare the two, wouldn't you agree?
shareHow fat is she ?
Lizzo is so fat, that when she sits around the house; she really does sit AROUND THE HOUSE.
Lizzo is so fat, that when she turns around: her butt causes a solar eclipse.
Lizzo is so fat, she has her own zip code.
They say no man is an island, but when Lizzo takes a swim at the beach, you could say certain women are. I mean she looks so big out there, that when she swims back into the shore, Greenpeace come along and try to roll her back into the surf.
Lizo is so fat that when she stands on the talking scales. they say "one at a time please".
shareI can't remember where I saw this, but someone commented that Lizzo in a bikini was the worst thing to happen to a beach since Normandy.