MovieChat Forums > Florence Pugh Discussion > Let’s be Honest for a Second

Let’s be Honest for a Second

She is unattractive. Leading Hollywood actresses used to be elegant and beautiful. I’m not sure I understand what is going on.

The only ones claiming that F. Pugh is somehow attractive are usually women. The same who would also have us believe that Sarah Jessica Parker was attractive back then.


Typical Incel post!


I was coming to post the same thing. I find her very unattractive personally. I'll be generous and say she's a 6 even though she's not my type at all. All her facial features are out of harmony with each other; on their own combined with something else she'd be okay, but together they give her this weird look. I think she needs to play more down to earth 'cool chick' characters instead of always playing the 'hot girl' when she isn't. It makes her seem stuck up and smug and contributes to her unattractiveness.

My theory on why she keeps getting cast/called pretty is that for whatever reason gen Z has defined her as the epitome of beauty since many of their white women look that way. Kind of squat and dumpy with a Miss Piggy face and a flat nose. But to every other generation she's just not it.


To each their own. She's hot as fuck.


She just looks stumpy and badly proportioned and no neck. Having a surname that sounds like poo doesn’t help either.


You guys in this thread must have ridiculously high standards.

Are you telling me if this was standing before you naked that you wouldn't flinch much less lose your shit completely:
