MovieChat Forums > Millie Bobby Brown Discussion > Getting the same vibe I got from Ellen P...

Getting the same vibe I got from Ellen Page

Years ago I posted on the old IMBD message board (I really miss that) that I was getting a strong lesbian vibe from Ellen Page. Her fans started ranting that there was no way she was and that I was crazy. Not long after she came out of the closet.

Now I’m getting that same vibe from Millie, only stronger than I did from Ellen. Time will tell.


Who cares what her sexuality is or will be?


Also this.


A lot of people. Not in a negative way of course.

And if it doesn’t matter, why would celebrities announce it?


This is my opinion and not fact, but I think that celebs announce it because there is still a negative stigma for many people about homosexuality. If someone with celebrity status can announce that they are without negative repercussions then more people might feel safer coming out.


You should not have had to explain this to someone, it’s the sort of thing you think people would just ‘know’ but good job explaining it 🦋


🤣People get non-stop support when they come out. There are gays represented in almost every aspect of films and television. We are way past any negativity towards homosexuality as a society, other than the small percentage of people that could be negative about anything.


Maybe in Hollywood. In real life areas not so much.


That is simply not true. Nobody gives a shit, I don't care where you are. I live in a very rural area. There are plenty of gay people, and it's not a second thought. People don't want anyone waving their sexuality in their face, that's it.


And I suppose getting married to the same sex and ordering a cake for that event is "waving their sexuality in their face", isn't it?


From a Christian baker who doesn't support that lifestyle it is.

You want a gay cake? Have any baker who isn't adamantly religious bake it.

They LITERALLY flaunted their sexuality in the face of a Christian baker and then sued when he didn't do what they wanted. He even offered to bake them a cake, just not a gay cake because it went against his beliefs.

The fact that so many people attacked that guy for holding onto his beliefs is insane.


What's insane is the fact that you'd consider a freaking cake as "flaunting someone's sexuality".


Having two men on the cake to represent that they have gay sex is exactly that.


You obviously don't know the case, you're just spouting things you heard online. That couple choose him because he wouldn't make gay wedding cakes. It was intentional to take him to court. Incidentally, he had no problem making them a cake, he just wouldn't endorse their homosexuality. If that's the best you have got, I'd bow out now.


Also, the fact that you have to reference an incident that happened almost a decade ago says so much about my point.


yeah who cares people who they love shouldn't come under question also we judge all people by the content of their character to quote Dr.King


People are invested in celebrities, and in their lives and whatever makes them tick.


LOL. Page was pretty widely known to be into the ladies. She was about as closeted as Jodie Foster was when she was young.

Brown seems like a very feminine sort of gal in her dress and how she carries herself. Of course, that doesn't mean she couldn't be, but I haven't noticed anything that makes me think she must be.


Not that widely known at the time I posted my suspicion on IMDB based on the massive amount of replies I saw saying I was totally wrong. In fact, I didn’t see a single post saying I may be right.


Those rumours about Ellen Page existed all the way since Juno. When she came out as lesbian I even thought it was a joke, as everyone already knew this.


These days especially, most young actresses (male actors too frankly) who grow up being groomed by degenerate Hollyweird pedo culture stand a high chance of becoming sexual confused, substance abusers or otherwise conditioned to make themselves sexually "open" to "whatever", so at this point it would be "stranger" if it didn't happen with this actress as well . It's becoming increasingly easy to anticipate these things.


Dude, even your left hand wants a restraining order these days...




I didn't. Particularly when she was making out almost constantly with the very guy who kept her safe in his basement in the first season.


You mean on Stranger Things? They kissed once and that was a TV show, not real life. They did what the script told them to do. I also suspect Finn Wolfhard, the guy she kissed, is swinging for the same team too.


No I get a strong celibacy vibe from Millie. In fact I'm calling it right here and right now that I expect to hear an announcement that she has joined a convent any day now.


Yeah. Yeah. I can see that too. 🤔😆


I'm getting a strong moron vibe from jk90us.




Millie is straight. Corey Booker isn't.



Not really


Wow. Check the Ellen/Elliot Page board, page number 10 as of writing. Posted 2 months ago. I started a thread asking if anyone remembered you.
