Totally Overrated

She is a good Child Actress and plays her part well. But as far as being the next coming of God as her fans make her out to be. She is not a GREAT actress. I am betting she and her popularity will fizzle out at puberty. Remember Kirsten Dunst? I see her heading down the same road. She will have average success down the road and I wish her well, but she is NOT the next Audrey Hepburn or even Katherine Hepburn. Just average and pretty mediocre at best. But she is TOTALLY overrated as far as talent goes.



The Players of The Game are the scum of the earth.


I agree, I think Millie is a good actress and I liked her in 'Stranger Things' but you can really tell that the fame is getting to her head.


People always lose their minds when a child can behave themselves and act serious. I think this one is gonna be with us a long time assuming she doesn't self destruct. She's British and they seem to fall into less of the Hollywood cliches.


Kristen Dunst is a poor example since she actually had talent. A better example would be Kristen Stewart who, for the life of me, I'll never understand the appeal. She takes on "edgy" roles that are academy bait and somehow people think she's fantastic, which she's not. You watch any Kristen Stewart role and it's the same role in everything she does.

I haven't seen Millie in enough to judge her talent yet, but I do agree she's over-amplified at her acting capability. Out of all the child actors in the show, she has the least to worry about. I don't know why the other kids aren't getting more attention.


Her acting could always improve as she is still young. And it's always better for actors to start young, as they will have that much more time and chances to succeed.


So first: Everybody knows Kirsten Dunst, she´s been in Blockbuster and critically acclaimed smaller movies over the past years.
Second: Millie will star in Godzilla: King of Monsters, which will be the highest grossing movie of 2019
So joke is on you.


Looks like Godzilla: King of Monsters was the 25th highest grossing movie of 2019.



this didnt age very well. lol


lol! I don't quite understand what it is that has made Millie Bobby Brown the breakout star of Stranger Things over all the other kids, but I don't mind her. She doesn't annoy me the way Timothee Chalamet does. If she becomes a big star then I won't cringe every time I see she's headlining a movie.

I've seen lots of interesting actors who never really broke out and seemed to just ended up in smaller pictures before disappearing. Then others became stars. Obviously I don't know the ins and outs of how Hollywood picks someone to support but it seems to me that being in something that was well received and popular is a big part of it. Everyone rides the success train. Stranger Things is a breakout show that is very popular, that means all the kids in it are now recognized. Eleven was a unique, well-liked, and recognizable character from Stranger Things. And although I agree that Eleven doesn't seem to do complex emotion (lots of stretching her hand out and looking angry) I have to admit that the actor has to really get into it and risk looking stupid on screen to do it. So kudos for her for being willing to take that risk and getting the reward! The other child stars in it just had to play normal people.

One thing I've learned is that acting is teachable. It's not magic but focus, practice, skill, etc. That is how child stars, possibly picked mainly for the way they resemble a character (Harry Potter actors) or for being pretty (Kristen Stewart?) can go on to become working actors with good careers. They might start out being wooden (probably pretty normal for child actors) but if they are given time and they take lessons and so on, then they can become skilled. The people IN Hollywood who judge actors seem to think Kristen Stewart is now a good actor and they would be the best judges right? Even if she got her start by being pretty, that doesn't negate that she might now have good acting skills.


Or “even Katharine Hepburn”!?

You fucking dolt.
