MovieChat Forums > Brittney Griner Discussion > Paul Whelan's family praises release of ...

Paul Whelan's family praises release of Griener

Of course they are disappointed that their family member wasn't released but are glad the release of Griener wasn't held up for an Sotomayor release that wasn't going to happen.


Whelan's family knows which way the political wind is blowing at the moment. Criticism would have gotten them nothing.


Exactly right. Deep down, I'm sure they're pissed, but anti-LGBTQ+ACDEF talk these days will ruin you.


You're solo edgy!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


They could have just said nothing. Instead they are dunking on Trump for not doing anything or even ever mentioning Paul Whelan when he was president.

I think they responded appropriately - expressing joy at the release of an American from what looked like a ridiculous prison sentence.


Trump was not about to lift a finger to get Whelan released, according to Bolton.


yeah, republicans don't want to talk about this!!


They knew they would be canceled if they didn't.


Can we cancel you too? Sounds like it's pretty easy to "cancel" people these days, right?
Just say despicable, reprehensible lies and "voila" you've been wrongly cancelled.
We should have great mechanisms for miscreants to sow social discord with lies and slander in the guise of supporting Freedom, right? We should let the children be Free to run our schools, right?
Conservatives would NEVER try to silence opposing points of view, right?
Just invoke the buzz words of the day, and blame Cancel Culture (a nebulous concept) on people who don't support the undermining of Democracy and the alt-conservatives pushing to maintain the status quo where they can funnel public wealth to the top of the economic pyramid and keep wealthy men in power.


Going to call them cowards to their face?


Where in the post does the poster call them or imply they are cowards? I will help you - no where.


I asked if he was gong to call them cowards to their faces. You don't need to read anything else into what I said.

Would you accuse the Whelan family of knowing " they would be canceled if they didn't" praise the releases of Griner?


So the concept of "cowards" was your idea. I am only reading what you typed.


Yes, I think that johnmiller is suggesting that the Whelan family are cowards.

Would you accuse the Whelan family of knowing " they would be canceled if they didn't" praise the releases of Griner?


You should ask John Miller that question (not me) rather than attributing to him words that you (not he) typed. I consider it cowardly not to ask him.


Already did. He silence is his answer. Enough said.

So, would you accuse the Whelan family of knowing " they would be canceled if they didn't" praise the releases of Griner? It is not an unfair question.

Personally I think it would be rude to suggest that they knew they would be canceled if they didn't praise the decision to release Griner.


Cancelled from ... what, exactly?
