Who in their right mind...
takes drugs to another country, much less Russia?!
That's SERIOUS addiction, right there!
takes drugs to another country, much less Russia?!
That's SERIOUS addiction, right there!
I've ZERO sympathy for the bitch.
shareWhy “bitch”?
I understand having no sympathy.
But why call her a bitch?
Because she has said she doesn't want the national anthem played and that it doesn't have a place at the WNBA.
Betcha she's wishing she was at a game here at home and it play now though. Hates the fucking USA but then writes to the president begging to get her out of jail though huh.
I hope that the Russians are blasting that song into her cell 24/7.
Because he is a complete and utter asshole and desperate to focus attention on anyone else. These pointlessly evil posts on Moviechat don't make this place any better.
shareyou cant be addicted to marijuana, moron.
dependent, sure. but marijuana is not mind-altering.
You are a complete idiot. I know several people who are and admit that they are. Imbecile.
i'm addicted to mayonnaise. it's true, because i say it's happening to me, therefore mayonnaise addiction is real.
your CDC article literally refers to it as a "use disorder" which is not an addiction, fucking idiot lol, can you not even read?
Read the links, baboon.
shareyour CDC article literally refers to it as a "use disorder" which is not an addiction, fucking idiot lol, can you not even read?
From the CDC article, asswipe:
One study estimated that approximately 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have marijuana use disorder.share
Another study estimated that people who use cannabis have about a 10% likelihood of becoming addicted.
Also, why are you ignoring the other three articles? Is it because you're in denial about your own addiction?
shareI did. you clearly are agreeing with me.
"When the person stops taking marijuana or reduces the dose, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, trouble sleeping, cravings, loss of appetite, and restlessness.1 Dependence often develops in conjunction with tolerance, in which the user must use increasing amounts of marijuana to achieve the desired effect or experiences less of an effect if they continue to use the same amount of the drug."
marijuana scientifically cannot cause addictions. for it to be addictive, it has to be mind-altering, as it physically and psychologically changes the brain and how it functions after prolonged usage, becoming a physical essential thing your body needs in order to function "properly"
something like alchohol, for example, is addictive. it can cause manic depression, total changes in personality, seizures, and even early-onset dementia if prolonged daily usage suddenly stops. meth is another drug that is highly addictive, as is heroin, nicotine, most prescription painkillers, and even caffeine. some anabolic steroids have also been shown to be addictive.
there is ZERO research that supports marijuana is "addictive" besides pseudo-science funded by religious and/or biased right-wing groups. some of the only confirmed negative permanent side effects are lung damage, but that's not because of addiction.
what you guys are thinking of is "dependency". you CAN become dependent on marijuana. true. you can also become dependent on literally anything in existence. people have thrown around the term "cellphone addiction" but there is no such thing. using a cellphone does not alter the chemical balance of your brain. neither does marijuana. lifelong stoners who have signed up for the military have reported little to no desire to "relapse" on marijuana the same way lifelong drinkers or pill users have.
there's a reason why marijuana is becoming legal. it's because even a lot of republicans are understanding its purpose and realizing it's not that bad.
just because a few fat stoners claim "addiction" does not mean it's actually addictive. i went to church camp with a guy who claimed he had "porn addiction", said he would quit jobs and skip school to stay home and masturbate 4 times a day. while that's certainly a problem, it's incorrect to refer to it as "addition". it's porn dependency.
it's an alligator vs crocodile arguement.
You are amazingly adept at always getting everything wrong ... hahaha. Marijuana can be psychologically addictive, but it is not physically addictive. She says she didn't even realize she had packed that or left it in her luggage. The whole war on drugs is just some global excuse for governments to repress their people and make political moves like this. She was clearly not going to distribute or sell it in Russia.
shareYou're wrong about everything, always, leftist.
"She says she didn't even realize she had packed that or left it in her luggage."
Yeah, I always put stuff in my luggage, (especially drugs when I'm going to another country) by accident.
I'm surprised she didn't tell the authorities that she was "holding it for a friend".
"She was clearly not going to distribute or sell it in Russia."
You're right! They should have known this and altered their laws for her!!
Do you ever realize how stupid you sound?
Yeah dude.
Not addictive or mind-lt...whawazzat?
You think she’ll know the laws in Russia since she’s been competing in the Russian league several W.N.B.A. off-seasons.
They may have ignored the foreign athletes "habit" in a wink/nod deal for some time, but now that the U.S. is providing some funding for Ukraine's defense, Russia might be tweaking Biden.
Personally, I think they're doing the U.S. a favor.
Sounds like she's a dumbass.
She's a prominent liberal figure. Most prominent liberals thing they can do, and say anything and there are no repercussions for their actions. Had she stayed in her own country (that she hates) she wouldn't be in jail right now.
Although, this might be some kind of Biden administration propaganda, and she's really still in this country- nothing would shock me nowadays.
OP: If this thing had a brain, it would have realized how stupid it is to smuggle drugs in/out of any country!