Compared to this Trump Spokesgoblin. Kayleigh was nothing more than a propaganda spouting machine while Jen feels more honest and authentic. In two days Jen has presented herself in such a humble and honest manner that is the sort of thing that helps people trust in the presidency.
She's fine. But she also has the advantage of representing a milquetoast president everyone in the room wants to like and respect. The press is biased to the left. And...they hated anything and everything associated with Trump. The deck is stacked in Jen's favor....and she learned something very valuable when watching much of the previous administration's dealings with the press: Play nice with them (even if you hate their guts)...and they won't be quite so out to get you. This is a lesson Spicer and Sanders never quite practiced.
Kayleigh was outnumbered and it was like going up against a firing squad, daily. However...she was always extremely prepared, and....very quick on her when they tried to bully her and brow-beat her, she was able to push back and give as good as she got. This is probably why CNN stopped airing the daily press briefings. Unlike the previous Press Secretaries who got pushed around, Kayleigh was typically the smartest person in the room, and would often wipe the floor with those jackals, and expose their hypocrisy.
CNN used to have Kayleigh on as a talking head regularly about 5 years ago while Trump was campaigning for the presidency. As usual, the panel of analysts they'd have would essentially be the strongest Democrats they would find....stacked against the weakest Republicans they could find, at a ratio of 5:2....(plus, the hosts were obviously Democrats). And yet....she'd routinely kick their asses and make them look foolish. So eventually, they stopped having her on.
She's an impressive young woman, and did her job extremely well, under very challenging circumstances. The press entered that room each day wanting to pelt her with hate stones and gotcha rocks. With Jen, they walk in wanting to toss Hawaiian leis at her.
Kayleigh lied her way through every press conference and was all propaganda talking points without ever really answering challenging questions. She always antagonized the press and never really diffused any situation nor had any class or grace handling things. Just look at her cowardly exist in her last presser where she quickly read a very short statement about the riots and stormed out of the room without answering a single question.
She didn’t kick anyone’s asses she just lied and deflected.
I swear that if she weren’t so good looking more would be willing to admit her flaws.
Kayleigh wasn't bullied or brow-beaten, she was asked legitimate questions. Her boss was a moron, and the press was calling them on it.
It's easy to blame the "liberal media" when you don't like their questions. It takes intelligence and integrity to actually try to answer difficult questions and to actually have accountability in an administration.
It's interesting that you mention playing nice. Trump ridiculed and shamed members of the press on day one who asked questions he didn't like. He called it all "fake new" and simply refused to allow questions from certain reporters.
It is the responsibility of the press to ask questions and report that. It is not the job of press secretary to "push back and give as good as she got." The press are not attacking her. Trump is an absolute narcissist! He is a petulant toddler who needs to take a nap and be told, "No," more often.
The press was just doing their job, and anyone who chooses to be press secretary for an administration like Trump's needs have have their head examined.
Donald Trump's personality has always been obnoxious. The sad thing is, he knows it and cultivates it. It's been public knowledge for decades and precedes his run for the Presidency. That's why I am surprised at the number of votes he received, in both elections.
All presidents are subject to criticism; it's been that way since the 1800s. It's the duty of the press to ensure that these crooked politicians are held accountable.
or maybe just dont lie nonstop and telling them every inconvenient question is fake news....
please stop trying to turn the perpetrator into the victim. she knew who and what she was defending. she wasnt forced into the job. she knew she would have to stand up for unseemly and bad things. please dont praise her for that
"milquetoast president everyone in the room wants to like and respect."
Wrong. He is senile, inappropriate with children, corrupt (see Ukraine and CCP bribery), and he is just an empty suit that does the bidding of others. He won is office through fraud and the rest of the world knows it, and finally he has no say in any of the policies or decisions. They are made without him. He will go down as the worst president in American history, or perhaps the first non-president, where the real power resided with unknown people in the background.
A true American believes in equal opportunity and equal treatment for all citizens. This was established by the nation's founders. No special privileges for corporations or the wealthy.
Honest and authentic? Perhaps when she gets the softball questions. You could tell she wasn't prepared to be challenged when she was asked about Biden breaking his own executive order about wearing masks. It was obvious she had no clue how to answer that one and was ill prepared.
You can look up your own link. I didn't see any link provided by you to back up your claim that she was great, so don't ask me for one. This thread doesn't even belong here. I am not sure why you would start a thread about Jen Psaki here.
sorry I ask for the literal bare minimum of evidence. You actually do have an obligation. or else we are all just making unproven, unsupported assertions that means nothing.
my assertion im a trump is a redo with no evidence is as valid as yours that Pelosi is a lizard person.
I mean this is how real adults debate but sure choose your own path. From your exchange with Elsofque your are fitting in well with the other republicans.
make wild accusation, provide no evidence, when called on it, come up with an excuse or flee. rinse and repeat.
I wish we on the more left had such low standards :(
Having someone be truthful and transparent is very refreshing after having just come out of a fascist dictatorship. I am pleased with it. Kayleigh McEnany is, to put it nicely, a terrible person.
What a surprise. People who hate Trump hate everyone to do with them and everyone who likes Biden, likes everyone to do with them no matter what they say or do.
There is a word for that = Bias.
This thread is so far left you have fallen off the cliff. This new press secretary could lie through her teeth and you will all defend her.
Just to clarify before i get the obvious trump supporter nonsense. I don't live in America.
It's huge, and there's tons of people, of all different types. I just called him out as a Texan because of his blind knee jerk defense of Ted Cruz. I'm not sure if he's really from there.
Not true of some places though. Austin, for example is a cultural hub that is very liberal. Austin is sweet. I don't have any answers as to why any place would be conservative, but that's viewed through my liberal lens.
No facts in anything you have said including the above quote.
It is your opinion only . You have a bias and hatred of anything and anyone who works, likes or interacts with Trump in any way shape of form.
Like i said this new press secretary could lie through her teeth (and she will, she is in politics) and you will defend and make excuses for her. When someone then states that she is no different to Kayleigh you will then deflect.
You seem to have a hatred for people you have never met or interacted with based on what the bias one sided media tells you. That my friend is called brainwashing.
exactly, trump was a cyber bully..... apparently that is worse than sending american soldiers overseas to die for no good reason at all.
like clinton, bush and obama did.
the weak left wingers do not know what real hate and pain is, they think its something you get on facebook or twitter....... a new nice war will show them the real pain that bombs and bullets cause. but of course, they are too chickenshit to join the military, so once again it will the wrong people they send to war.
I don't even think you could say he was a cyber bully. If how Trump conducted himself on Twitter is considered bullying then I see the Left match and far exceed those standards on the daily on every major website! Like you said in another post he was truthful and spoke in the face of the PC media, they hated that he wouldn't conform to their rules.
no, he was not a bully. but to the weak left, anything you say is bullying when you don't agree with them.
don't agree with a left wing woman=you are a misogynist.
don't like reading the crime stats and seeing blacks are behind most of the violent crimes, then telling the world about it = you are a racist...... and so on.
yes imagine that. poor people commit the most people are on average the poorest. cops target black people more (just look at the arrest rates of whites vs blacks for marijuana. its 10X)
didn't trump brag about doing war the best and all his defenders saying hes the greatest and trump isnt afraid to go to war and do real war unlike the democrats holding back?
get your narrative straight
how much should I bet you carried water for and defended to the death Bush jr while calling the left traitors and hating the country for not supporting his illegal war? Id beta everything I own. while now you attack him because your newest leader doesnt like him either?
Yes we get it. your re always the victim. everyones out to get your party, you and trump. it has nothing to do with the nonstop lying and then playing the victim.
what happened to the party of self responsibility?
It's pretty evident and consistent....if you're a Republican, you like and respect Kayleigh because she stepped into a difficult role, always came prepared, and could handle the bullies in the press room. If you're a Democrat, you hated Kayleigh, and you simply parrot the following crutch: "Lies, lies, lies..."
If you're an Independent, you don't walk lock-step with EITHER're able to be objective, and observe the positives and negatives in both parties, and weigh each issue on its own merits. I'm amazed at how many people still lump themselves into groupthink on one "side" or the other...and just speak in absolutes about the other side with no nuance or grey area whatsoever. People who paint with a broad brush like that just lose all credibility with me immediately. They can't be impartial, and this is why there is such a divide in this country right now.
As an Independent, I'm able to acknowledge Jen P. did just fine up there, and will only get better. Furthermore, I'm optimistic about Biden, and I want him to do well. I'm pulling for him. I think one of the problems with Trump's term is....he didn't make nice with the people he should have buddied-up with, and it hurt him irreparably. If he had just played nice in the sandbox with people like Schumer, Pelosi...and the press, they'd not have made it an agenda to hate on him and go after him at every turn.
Trump did some important things that never got the praise they deserved. This, because most of the media are Liberals...but also, he went to war with them. If he had charmed them in those press briefings, the tone and focus of their reporting (and the daily stories on would be different. Also, he chose the wrong angle to brand the news with. Instead of saying: "Fake News, Fake News".....he should have been saying: "Biased News, Biased News". Much of what the media reported was based in truth....but it comes down more to what they chose to focus on. There was an agenda. Every day on CNN (on TV and their website), I'd say about 98% of their stories focused on anything negative about Trump and his administration they could find. They HATE him. You can practically hear them high-fiving each other off-camera after another gotcha story. (For example, Cuomo and Lemon).
None of the positive things he did ever got any attention. It amazes me how poor his diplomacy and people-skills are. Especially when you consider the positions he has held. I almost think he may have a form of aspergers.
Ultimately, he was never out to win a popularity contest. He said what he intended to do. And then, once elected...he set out to follow through on those promises. I admire him for that. I didn't like everything he said or did, but i can acknowledge that he did some very important things, and i'm not going to just stamp him with the "100% Bad, No good at All" hate stamp. To me, that shows no ability to think critically or objectively, at all.
LOL the classic "im an independent" nonsense to act like you re some unbiased fair judge.
the truth is independent largely (although not always) just means conservative mad the republicans arent far right enough often libertarians. we've seen this fake guise of political moral superiority before. No one is buying it
So in your mind, it's impossible for someone to be an Independent? That's your opinion, but it's not based in reality.
In any case, nobody has to justify their political views to anyone else. I can say this...I think Trump did some very important things while in office. But he also stumbled on some very important things. But he was our president and I was always pulling for him. Also, I respected that he said upfront what he planned to do...and when elected, he set about doing those very things he promised. He was never in it to win popularity contests. What you see is what you got. However, that was also his downfall. For a person in his positions, he's surprisingly bad at playing nice in the sandbox with others. Very poor diplomacy skills. Had be been more cordial with the press, Pelosi, Schumer, etc.... he'd have gotten a lot more out of them, and they would not have been so out to get him.
As for Biden, I think he was a bully in the senate for decades, but now wants to play the role of kindly grandpa, because...following Trump (and how much everyone hated him), it's very easy for Biden to look like an absolue prince and savior as president. However, I do think he has good diplomacy sense/instincts....and, he's going to go out of his way to try and be the opposite of Trump...which means he will be trying extra hard to appear cordial (domestically and internationally), and that will be productive. He's our president now and I'm pulling for him.
There's good and bad in both "sides". It's important to see (and call out) the grey areas, and not speak in absolutes about politics. The weasels at CNN...and the weasels at Fox....all have their own biased agendas, and cannot point out one positive about "the other side". It has become such a joke now, how extreme it has become. No one is able to be objective anymore.
I never said that. I said that normally although not always they are just disgruntled republicans who are actually still conservatives, often libertarians.
they take on the "independent badge" so they can act like they have some sort of unbiased moral high ground in debates.
I am right am I not? you are a libertarian leaning conservative? How did I guess that?
"There's good and bad in both "sides". It's important to see (and call out) the grey areas, and not speak in absolutes about politics. The weasels at CNN...and the weasels at Fox....all have their own biased agendas, and cannot point out one positive about "the other side". It has become such a joke now, how extreme it has become. No one is able to be objective anymore."
I agree but the thing is that's a problem with the American two party system nd defect corportocracy the USA has become. But then again I dont think many on the Dem side are that extreme or their partners in the media.
democrats in almost every similar western country in the world would be considered at further centrist, at the other side a center right party. The republicans on the other hand would vary from a right to a far right party again depending on the country.
Of course it varies from federal political to other as well as fed vs state. But you have state republicans saying they would drown their kids if they were gay. The LGBT should not be allowed to marry and lose other rights. And that healthcare and wanting basic common sense government oversight of some business practices is pure communism...
I'm not saying the dems are perfect. I have massive criticisms and have never voted for them. But there should be no false equivilancy that they are both just two sides of the same coin (in all situations). in one sense they are as the other side of the two party system. on the other when it comes to ideological extremes there is no comparison of who are the extremists and who are just run of the mill centrist sometimes centre left milquetoast corporatists