MovieChat Forums > John Fetterman Discussion > Fetterman is NOT the worst story out of ...

Fetterman is NOT the worst story out of Pennsylvania!

They also elected a representative who is DEAD.


That's good news. He does less damage this way.


Either it's because the voters are that dumb, which is possible. But I heard it could've been because they didn't like who was running and wanted to force a runoff. To be honest, I don't know much about how that works, but I thought I should throw it out there. From what I think it might mean is that they'd possibly get a better candidate than what was represented on the current ballet. On its surface, it sounds idiotic and dumb voters, but it may be a way for the voters to try to get someone better than what was on the ballet. I may be wrong though, I don't tread in these waters enough to give a solid answer. But it may be worth looking in to, but I'm just going by something I can't remember where I heard it, so take this with a grain of salt until you do a search into it.


Shows just how bad Republicans are doesn't it.


Pennsylvania must be full of Blue-Haired SJWs, drug abusers and welfare cases who wouldn't be able to enjoy their decadent lifestyles under sane Republican leadership.


> sane Republican

That's a good one.


Liberals are just as bad.


That means a Republican replaces him. I thought this was an old story, did it happen again?


Story is dated Nov. 9 2022. You mean they have done this before?


It has happened more than once, yes.


Democrats are officially the "Weekend at Bernie's" party.


Nevada Republicans elected Dennis Hof to the state senate posthumously as well. That was in 2018.


The dead and brain-dead leading the dead and brain-dead.


Fetterman has been a very popular guy in Pennsylvania for many years. Voters know he will recover from his stroke over time.

Republicans simply have few likeable candidates running for office in swing states. The MAGA element has taken of the party and voter see that it has become much too extreme.
