I like this guy
I don't know anything about him, other than he had a stroke and he managed to be elected instead of fucking oz.
I like this guy!
I don't know anything about him, other than he had a stroke and he managed to be elected instead of fucking oz.
I like this guy!
Oh ok. Your a fukking idiot. No wonder you like The Banshees of Insherin. You have no moral compass, it all makes sense now.
shareRetards like each other ....shocking...
shareHe's a kind, likeable guy. Republicans don't understand that concept.
shareA kind likable guy who pulls a shotgun on an unarmed minority male? LOL.
Had a Republican (or anyone else) done that you'd be howling for a prison term and talking about white privilege.
If he had been a republican, he would have done it and the never apologized. Then he would have bragged about it for years and years to come.
shareYeah, I see you're giving the fucker a pass too. Political parties are the new braindead religions of the world. Goose steppers like you are their bread and butter.
shareYou know I'm right.
shareName them. Go ahead and name the elected Republicans who've done this and bragged about it.
I'm not saying the shithead on the street who votes R wouldn't give it a pass either but you're really no different.
So how about you stop acting like you're taking on the high ground when you're championing a guy (a civilian) who held an unarmed man at gunpoint because he thought he may have done something that he clearly didn't do. Justify why you're giving him a pass on being a piece of shit who took the law into his own hands without having to divert attention elsewhere. Please tell us your logic.
That's pretty much what your entire party is all about!
And a republican calling someone else a goose stepper has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Fucktard, I'm not a Republican. I've never belonged to either of the major political parties and I rarely ever vote for them. So put that shit away. Again, you're diverting.
So take the time to answer my question and explain why you're defending a man who held an unarmed man at gunpoint as "kind" and "likeable" [sic]. Or can't you do it?
He’s a likeable guy?
Why? Because he wears a hoodie all the time to portray himself as “blue collar” and he wants to give you free stuff? He lived with and leeched off his parents until he was in his 40’s. He never had anything close to a blue collar job. But he wears a hoodie and has a leg tattoo, so…🙄
The man can barely function. I guess in the “everybody gets a trophy” era we would be applauding having a highly involved stroke victim representing PA in Washington.
Just when I think politics in this country can’t get anymore ridiculous and idiotic, PA runs Fetterman vs Oz.
I was about to post a thread with the exact same title.
I like this guy too. He isn't an elitist. He's an ordinary joe, with a backstory that non-elitist progressives can relate to.
As someone with staunch progressive values (pro-choice, anti-death penalty, pro-immigration, cautiously pro-BLM, anti-Trump, anti-misogyny, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, pro-human rights, pro-progressive taxation), I sometimes find that DNC elected representatives and liberal spokespeople aren't always the most relatable. Partly that's because the DNC want the 'best people' (i.e. accomplished individuals), but that can sometimes lead to snobbery, elitism and disengagement with regular blue-collar voters. Fetterman however is one of us. A 'man of the people', and I dig that.
I like him AND I am a staunch elitist.
shareThat's a shame. Why are you an elitist?
Fetterman is an ordinary guy with ordinary problems. He isn't a celebrity cardiac surgeon, like Dr Oz. Fetterman is emotionally intelligent and empathetic. He doesn't have a string of 'look at me' qualifications yet zero ounce of compassion like Dr fucking Oz.
We need non-elitist HUMAN-BEINGS in politics. Not snot-nosed elitist pricks who look down on us ordinary joes (or are you now going to tell me that *you're* some big-wig?)
No you need leaders...emotionally intelligent??? Ha ha ha ha
The optics go a long way....you have to atleast look the part.
Fetteman vs oz is a strange phenomenon.
Fetteman has a low IQ, tattoos on his arms, wears a hoodie. The stroke made it 10x worse where he couldn't even comprehend words.
He started a debate by saying Hi im Jon fetteman , goodnight....ha ha ha
Fetterman looks like the guy you get when you play a civilization game and your civilization is failing.
The optics fetterman gives off to the rest of the world is that he is a joke , the position is a joke, America is in decline.
It's a sick joke.
No, Trump is what you get when civilisation is failing.
Emotionally sensitive and empathetic leaders like Fetterman, Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin, are hopefully the future. I don't want to be led by some aloof snot-nosed supercillious technocratic punk, or a populist despot/snakeoil salesman who only cares about their own personal legacy.
No, I want to be led by someone who *at least* pretends to give a shit about me.
He cant even pretend to care about you, he is the puppet for your optics.
You dont even know who is calling the shots. The guy cannot physically make any decisions.
His metal heath is extremely poor.
When you see trump walk into a room with 4 other business men. They have extreme knowledge of negotiating. People take them serious.
Try and base your claims more on statistics and numbers rather then feelings.
Border for instance. Trump wanted a secure border, build a physical barrier, invented remain in Mexico which made Mexico pay their fair share by hosting migrants until a court date.
Low border crossing , low migrant deaths, low drugs smuggled in.
Trump got a b+ for his border security.
Now compare to Democrats.
Statistics are showing a record number of illegal crossings. The incentive to get to the border under Democrats has lead to a record number of migrant deaths.
A record number of drugs are being smuggled in resulting in a record number of Americans being killed by over dose deaths.
Border agents are encountering more people on the terror watch list then ever before
Democrat get an F at the border
How do you ignore such record breaking numbers and deaths?
I don't hate immigrants. Trump gets a F from me.
Plus, I have a mental illness, so how dare you tell me that mentally ill people are incapable of standing for political office.
I am not *your* puppet. I have a mind of my own, and I will support people who serve *my* interests, *not* your *prejudices*.
See you are acting on feelings and no logic.
Look at the statistics,
It has nothing to do with hate.
Sanctuary cities like NY who welcome illegal aliens.
Share your thoughts, they dont hate migrants.
But reality sinks in and money becomes a factor, housing becomes a factor, school space becomes an issue. Number of jobs, number of resources.
And the NY mayor is claiming they dont have the space of resources.
So Republicans dont hate , they are more logical.
This could have been seen and prevented miles away.
Bleeding heart liberals like you I use the life raft analogy.
If a boat was sinking and a life raft could only save a certain number. Democrats like you would try and bring everyone on board , eventually capsizing the raft, killing everyone.
Its takes a strong leader to make tough decisions.
Trump get an F shows you cannot think rationally.
If you believe trump gets an f, back up your claims with facts and numbers.
sharelove how normal he is I hate Oz such a phony where is he now
shareHe's brain dead so no surprise he's the champion for Leftists.