MovieChat Forums > ozz969

ozz969 (384)


Wowza Finding Her Roots Pretty Girls Should Have Watched Just Shoot Me Instagram Very Pretty One of the best anti-union ever Why not put this in theaters again? Elena Kampouris View all posts >


Yes, she looks great. But her boobs look bigger than ever! I hope (and doubt) she had work done and I'm sure not complaining about her. Always fancied her. I don't recall how much he was paying her, but he was a turd. Maybe she did not treat him like a king but regardless of cost to him he didn't have to treat her badly either. Besides, Margot was smoking hot in this movie and the food would not have distracted me from her. I find rachel quite cute and the fakes look good to me. I was never much attracted to Gadot. Jaime Presley is the bomb! Thank you for you support :) She is the female Trump. Interesting question. Given the long speech about comics at the end, I believe he was evil for the sake of being evil. He wanted to be the comic book villain. And creating the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad he created the anti-X-Men. Although his speech was about Superman I don't think he minded between DC and Marvel, just to be the best of Lex Luthor, Dr. Doom, or any other evil comic mastermind. Yes, clearly enlarged but I think I can live with that. My concern is she hasn't shown nipples since they....grew. She had the most wonderful big nipples. Logic doesn't enter into movies when a woman is as attractive as BDH is in these films. I also found Gina Gershon incredibly sexy in this. View all replies >