Dog Killer

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem defends her account of killing own dog in new book

“It was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done,” Noem wrote.

She then went on to kill a family goat, which she called “nasty and mean.” Noem also led the goat to a gravel pit, where she said her first shot wounded but did not kill the animal. She got another shell for her gun and killed the goat, according to the book.

We kill puppies, vote for us.
Marry. F*ck. Kill


I really thought she was gonna be Trump's VP choice. No way now. Dumb bitch has destroyed her political career. Nobody likes a dog killer.


Yah, dogs should be treated well. ♥
It can help to consider the reason why someone killed a dog though.

"Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old...aggressive personality"...
By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going "out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life".

Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another".
Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like "a trained assassin".

When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog "whipped around to bite me".
Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check "for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime".

Crazy dog Cricket was a case for César Millán. 🧙‍♂️​🐕​
Do you know what/who Wirehaired Pointers are?
At 14 months Cricket was no longer a "puppy".
An out-of-control Wirehaired is a killing machine on four legs.
Sooner or later Cricket would've killed a person, yah, a real BITCH< (= female dog).

Well, what am I doing here...I don't want Trump to become POTUS again, that BITCH.
According to you it's fine to use the term BITCH in your "American gay subculture".
So, Noem is a BITCH, Trump is a BITCH, all are BITCHES!!!


It sounds like a shaggy dog story.


You can take the Nazis out of Germany but you can't take the "Nazi" out of the Germans. No right minded American would kill a rambunctious dog. We don't do that here. There are plenty of alternatives.

Next thing you'll be asking for the death penalty on cats who kill mice and birds.

Bitch is a rather innocuous word in the U.S. On my forum we banned the word "c*nt" which most Americans find objectionable. But we had to unban it because of too many complaints from the Brits and Aussies. It's all relative.


"You can take the Nazis out of Germany but you can't take the "Nazi" out of the Germans."
Are you totally out of your mind now?! ☻
So, you wannabe dog expert...what would you do with a dog out of control?
Talk therapy with mediation?
I already suggested César Millán, but he's expensive and even he cannot help every dog.
Or waiting till the dog killed someone and then death penalty?
Btw. no one in our animal shelters is euthanized because they didn't find a new home quickly enough. In the USA many animal shelters still send perfectly healthy animals to the gas chamber.
And the USA still executes people, we don't.
Because the death penalty violates human rights!

"Next thing you'll be asking for the death penalty on cats who kill mice and birds."
I know the nature of cats and never accused them of doing what's in their nature.

"Bitch is a rather innocuous word in the U.S. On my forum we banned the word "c*nt" which most Americans find objectionable. But we had to unban it because of too many complaints from the Brits and Aussies. It's all relative."
"Bitch" and "cunt" are both misogynistic hate speech.
You can argue about this as much as you want, that's a fact.
And which forum are you talking about?
Your Cave with around 10-15 users?
How many exactly complained? ... 3-4 real people?


I'll say right off I don't believe in animal rights. The best animals are food. We treat animals humanely. But if dogs have rights then cockroaches have rights. No way in hell.

But you don't just point a gun at a healthy pet's head and blow it off. The woman is sick. I'm not against euthanizing an animal as a last resort. But she admits she did it because she took a personal dislike to it. Bottom line, most Americans now see her as a callous bitch and her shot at a national career is over.

I oppose the death penalty because I'm an anarchist. But I would personally shoot some of these serial killers in the head if I had the opportunity.

Haha. Why are you taking pot shots at my forum? We started The Cave because we wanted a private forum with NO SOCKS and NO HATEFUL TROLLS.

And we're doing just fine. We actually have as many daily posters as fb right now. We just have lives and don't use socks and don't hang out there all day.


Yah, I know you think that all animals are just instinct-driven machines without souls. That was one of our first encounters here (Do animals have a soul?).
And now you play a dog rights activist, ridiculous.

Your "I oppose the death penalty because I'm an anarchist." is one of the stupidest jokes from you. Anarchists demand a peaceful world without state institutions and rules. And because these extreme leftists see themselves as the only goodies, they feel entitled to terrorize and murder everyone else in order to achieve their good goal.
True, that's not the death penalty.
These are just necessary murders for a better world, Mr. Bakunin.

You don't need SOCKS and HATEFUL TROLLS because that's how YOU act, Gameboy.
Of course you don't hang out there all day. As long as you're not in your little Cave or sleeping, you're busy polluting other sites.

So, back to the topic...the alleged german "Nazi" still wants to know:
What would you do with an out-of-control dog?
You claimed "there are plenty of alternatives".
And please remember in your 'expert' answer that we're talking about a Wirehaired Pointer and not a Chihuahua. 🐶​


How the hell am I "HATEFUL" because I don't believe an unruly dog should be shot by a callous manipulative politician? WTF is wrong with you, woman?

By the way, I researched a little more, and this insufferable woman was training this poor dog to hunt pheasant. So it's rather obvious her lack of training skills is what propelled the dog to attack the chickens.

This was a female dog. In English a female dog is called a "bitch". But the real bitch here is Kristi Noem, not the dead dog.

Instead of trying to use this badly trained dog to hunt pheasant on a ranch, give her to a family with a nice backyard where she can play with a ball. Don't kill her.

Also, I'm an anarcho-syndicalist, not a bomb thrower. I want to abolish government and replace it with workers' syndicates.


"How the hell am I "HATEFUL" because I don't believe an unruly dog should be shot by a callous manipulative politician? WTF is wrong with you, woman?"
That's not the reason you're HATEFUL.
Calling me a "Nazi" is wrong and hateful.
Constantly using the term "bitch" (misogynistic hate speech) is hateful.
And look above, I said first that a bitch is a female dog.
There was no need to explain that again. ☻

"I researched a little more, and this insufferable woman was training this poor dog to hunt pheasant."
There was no need for your 'research'.
The article above in my first reply already said that she trained the dog for hunting. A Wirehaired is a hound dog.
Do you know what a hound dog is?

"give her to a family with a nice backyard where she can play with a ball".
Great idea! that one of your "plenty of alternatives"? ☻ ☻
Children goulash in the backyard, hossa! 🩸​🩸​🩸​


I did not call you a "Nazi". The stereotype of Germans is that they are a very orderly tough people. I merely said it doesn't surprise me that you would think nothing of killing an unruly dog. Kristi Noem is ethnically Norwegian and German by the way.

And I'm pointing out the irony that Noem acted like a "bitch" by killing a "bitch".

Nah, you don't kill a pet because it's confuses chickens with pheasants, especially after you're been teaching it to kill pheasants.

Here's a nice short video on unruly dogs:

The woman is a monster. And you have to understand her motivation on the American political scene for telling the story. She thought it would make her sound like a tough lady and get lots of publicity so she would be Trump's VP nominee.

She gambled and lost.


NOW...after I called you a sore loser in your new OP... reply here again. ☻

You called me a "Nazi", save your distracting bubbles.
And don't even try to teach me something about dogs (video).
I know more about them than you'll ever know.
So, why don't we go back to your new bully thread and clear this up? 😈​


Going to bed last night does not make me a sore loser.


I really don't know what she was thinking by publishing those stories in her book. Such a dumb move from a political standpoint.


Why did you leave out the reason she killed the dog?


Propaganda from the OP.
The POTUS elections are approaching.


I checked his posting history. The OP is a chronic liar.


I do not lie. Can you prove your claim?


prove you're not an idiot first.


[–] Blade13 (559) 4 hours ago
I checked his posting history. The OP is a chronic liar.
[–] Blade13 (559) 23 minutes ago
prove you're not an idiot first.

That is not how rational debate works, anywhere. Would it be okay with you if I was accuse you of any crime and then insist that you prove me wrong? Of course not. If anyone makes a claim, they should be providing proof without being asked.

Based on your above posts, I think you will not man up, but I could be wrong.


Well unless you can prove you're not an idiot, then you're demanding I argue with an idiot. I dont have time to argue with idiots.


I love arguing with idiots. It makes me look smarter


Blade13 is the idiot you're arguing with now. It is not making you look smarter.

Arguing with someone that is your intellectual equal and winning, is what makes you to actually appear to be smarter. You should try it someday.


But you vote for democrats. That makes you the real idiot


many conservatives have to vote democrat because Trump is hogging the spot where they normally have i viable candidate


I hoped so much for Nikki Haley (Republican).
Well, I cannot vote in the USA, means, it's not really my business. But who the POTUS is, has a huge impact on our relationship with the USA.


I do not vote either party line. Only idiots who want others to do their thinking for them vote the party line.

There is much more on my ballot each election than democrats and GOP. There are non-partisan elections, initiatives and other measures to consider.

When did I ever claim to vote for a democrat? I frequently criticize politicians from any party. This does not make me a democrat.


Thank you, that you deleted the "Bitch" in your OP. ☺


No, I saying that you should prove your stupid claim. No arguing required.

It seems that you do lack the courage to simply prove that you are correct. Here is your invitation to leave the "debate".


So you can't prove you're not an idiot. Case closed.


I checked your posting history. You're a chronic troll.


trolololololol. That's a good one.


I did not leave out anything. I quoted some of the text in the NBC link. That link also linked to another source with more information. No reason I need to spoon feed you stuff.

The Guardian link also goes on to detail how she is incapable of properly putting an animal down quickly.

It was bad enough that she killed a pet that she was unable or unwilling to train. Keep it confined or re-home it to someone who is willing to take care of it properly.


Your pussy postmodern views on animals have no place on a farm, particularly in regards to a dog willing to turn and bite its master on top of being a livestock killer.


Noem was responsible for the dog's training. Perhaps if she had trained it instead of just pronouncing it untrainable?

Instead she exposed an untrained and uncontrollable dog to the public. She never heard of a leash? She is reckless.


She also killed a goat but carry on trying to see reason for a zoosadist's action.


Do you support abortion?


What does that have to do with it?


yes or no.


I'm guessing you were gonna use that against me, claiming that I want to kill babies and protect doggies. But since I said no, you're out of ammo.


So you dont support a woman's right to choose?


You a leftist or right wing?


I'm right.


So a right winger supports abortion, interesting, why don't you take you're arguments to your right wing heroes and fellow righties.


I dont support abortion you little wokey. Dont expect me to believe you dont support abortion when everyone on the left and their brother supports it.


You're just like a leftist, thinking anyone that disagrees with you is on other side. No, I'm not a leftist, I hate the left more than I hate the right, I don't trust either side, the left is worse out of you two. If you don't support it, why did you ask me about women's right when I said no? Guessing you're the right wing version of Kowalski.


Because you're lying about not supporting abortion.


So why would I lie, what is there to gain? Lefties don't hide their love for abortion so if I'm a lefty, why would I lie about supporting the one thing that makes left happy?


Ok let me ask you: what do you think of Black Lives Matter?

And what do you think of guns. Specifically, should people be allowed to own and carry guns?


I despise BLM

As for guns, I have no opinion on them because people will obtain guns no matter what.


Should people be allowed to own and carry guns? Pretty simple question.


OK, if you want me to answer it so bad, it ain't a simple yes & no. I support stricter gun laws, I can be a delusional lefty and say ban them all but problem is, people will get them no matter what, they've been around a long time so stricter gun laws would be ideal, that means training, psych evaluation and you have to be a certain age, you right wingers love to hand it to anyone like those two rednecks that shot eachother over a toy on black Friday or Noem who takes selfies with one as if it's some toy.


Anyone who is pro-gun should be anti-Trump was well as anti-Biden. Both of those losers have an anti-gun agenda.

Gun confiscation without due process.

Trump gun grab.

Trump says he will ban bump stocks.

Forced reset triggers.


Jeez man your TDS is bad. I wasn't even talking about Trump.


You were talking about guns, gun grabbers are a related topic.

Why are you claiming is it TDS to oppose Biden's gun grab? Do you even support our civil right to keep and bear arms?


everyone deserves the right to own and carry a gun. Shit I carry a gun and knives.


[–] Blade13 (596) 13 hours ago
And what do you think of guns. Specifically, should people be allowed to own and carry guns?

[–] Blade13 (596) 25 minutes ago
Should people be allowed to own and carry guns? Pretty simple question.

[–] Ranb (7227) 8 hours ago
Forced reset triggers.

[–] Blade13 (596) 17 minutes ago
Jeez man your TDS is bad. I wasn't even talking about Trump.

[–] Ranb (7227) 10 minutes ago
Then why do you claim that opposing gun grabs is TDS?

I asked you why you do not oppose gun grabs. You sound like one of those gun owning, anti-gun clowns.


the TDS is strong with this one.


Why is opposing Biden's gun grab, TDS?

You got any explanation other than "TDS"? Just crying TDS all the time makes you look like a simpleton.


mentioning trump when nobody else was talking about him is TDS. You have a serious case of it. Get some help for that and your Rittenhouse derangement syndrome.


How can Trump or any other gun grabber be ignored when you bring up the topic of gun control?

Why do you support the anti-gun agendas of Biden and Trump?


How about you. Do you support people owning and carrying guns?


Yes I do. I'm a former FFL, I design and make silencers as a hobby, I was a rifle team coach, I used to lobby the WA legislature to ease restrictions on firearm use and ownership. I reload and shoot lots of ammo in my spare time.

Why are you so anti-gun that you call out those who oppose the anti-gun agendas of Trump and Biden, as afflicted with TDS?


if you support gun owners then why are you so triggered by Rittenhouse defending himself with a gun?


I'm not. He should have stayed home instead of going out to where things got out of hand. It was no place for a child.

Having an opinion does not mean I am triggered.

Why do you support the Biden and Trump anti-gun agendas so much that even mentioning them brings accusations of TDS from you?


why do you keep asking a question I've answered? What is it with people on the left.


You have not answered why you support the Trump and Biden gun grabs.


What is the point of asking that loaded question?


Loaded or not, I would like to know why you support gun grabbing politicians?

I oppose their anti-gun agenda and you claim that I suffer from TDS as a result.

Can you tell me why the MAGA are the anti-gun zealots since 2018?


“I hated that dog.”

That reason?


It killed some other animals and bit Kristi. Any dog that bites its owner isn't a dog that can ever be trusted.


That depends on the situation.
I would also like to bite some dog owners. 🐶​
But not Noem.
Though the killing of the goat was admittedly quite amateurish.
She'll do better next time.


You're supposed to pay a vet $100 to kill it "humanly"!
Do you realize killing animals is necessary in the real world, especially on farms?


Shooting it with a gun is killing it humanely.


According to Noem, it is not humane when she does it.

Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.

Noam blamed the goat for not getting a quick death. She could not even keep an extra shot shell in her pocket or at least use a proper rifle or pistol to do it right.


She could have shot her goat humanly, but she didn't.

According to vets I'm talked to, they typically put down a farm animal with a single bullet shot to the head. They don't screw it up in the same manner that Noem claims to have done.


Taking that dog out and deliberately killing it just because it didn't 'work out' as an ideal hunting dog is messed up. Why couldn't she just give the dog up for adoption? Maybe it could have been a great companion for someone who doesn't go hunting...?

Shooting puppies will chase away votes with a stick..


Whether she killed the dog or not, does not really matter. She wants to present a certain image. A person who deals harshly with something that offends her is the image she wants to put out to the public.

Trump claims he could shoot a person and not lose votes. This is how Noem struts her stuff.


Seems to be a trend with right wingers. First Matt Walsh and now this bitch.
